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Where Can I Meet and Network with Fellow Businesswomen In Australia?

CATCO Enterprises
Where Can I Meet and Network with Fellow Businesswomen In Australia?

Women in business are always welcome to join Business Women Australia, a national collective of women who are passionate about business success and personal growth. Networking is a vital part of making a successful business, and female entrepreneurs will be right at home with our community of wonderful women in business.


If you are an Australian woman in business looking for support, Business Women Australia is the perfect place for you. We strive to work on leading the future for female empowerment, improving businesses, working on personal growth, connecting and making lifelong friendships.


Read below to learn more about Business Women Australia including:

·        What is Business Women Australia?

·        What events do Business Women Australia host?

·        What resources are available to Business Women Australia members?



What is Business Women Australia?


Business Women Australia is striving to become the number one national community in Australia for women in business by facilitating their success and helping them to achieve greatness. Our shared values include diversity, inclusion, courage, honesty, collaboration and generosity. We want Business Women Australia to be the best place for you and your business.


In 2008, Business Women Australia was a local group, and since then we have grown to become a national collaborative group from the east coast of Australia to the west. A woman in business – no matter her profession or sector – is welcome to join us and make a bigger impact for female entrepreneurs Australia-wide.



What events do Business Women Australia host?


A woman in business looking for opportunities to collaborate and learn can find many events held by the Business Women Australia community. We work to bring each members’ innovative ideas and fantastic plans together to co-create new opportunities for every woman in business. You can find business events at many locations throughout Australia and online for networking, education, fun and more.


Business Women Australia also hosts educational programs for women in business hoping to improve their skills, including;


·        DISC Flow Certification

·        ICF-Accredited Coaching Courses

·        Core Business Foundations

·        And Scholarships from Torrens University Australia



What Resources are available to Business Women Australia members?


Business Women Australia offers many resources to women in business looking for a community where they can network, improve and succeed in a group. As a member, you can access valuable articles and videos on a varied range of subjects that are all helpful for a woman in business. We also have collaborative videos for educational purposes, a premium magazine called the BWA Buzz, and an opportunity to be listed in the Business Women Australia directory.



Business Women Australia proudly works to connect, collaborate and contribute to fellow women in business.


As a woman in business, getting in touch with the ladies at Business Women Australia is the best thing you can do. We assure you that we will be generous in sharing our knowledge and support to you, and do our best to help you achieve your business goals and dreams.


To learn more about becoming a member of Business Women Australia, find us at www.businesswomenaustralia.com.au


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