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Importance of VIN


VIN number is a vehicle identification number that is issued to vehicles bought after 1981. It is a 17- character number containing both numbers and alphabets which makes your vehicle differ from others. Service shops use VIN for identifying the engine, transmission, and brake systems installed by manufacturers, which helps them in providing better service to you for your vehicle.

It also helps in identifying stolen cars or parts by the police. 

You can find your vehicle's VIN number in various places like on the driver's side dashboard, vehicle's title, driver’s side door frame, owner's manual, etc.

VIN number is considered as a normal 17 digit number but there is a bunch of information that you can gather with the help of it, here we are explanation the mean of each unit in VIN number:

The Opening Three Digits: 

These three digits give the identity of the country from where the car parts belong to. It gives the correct information of the vehicle’s manufacturer. 

The Second Six Numbers: 

The next six digits after the three digits give the information related to the vehicle's model like seat belts, airbags, and other parts which are used to manufacture the vehicle and give the information about the class type of vehicle too.

The Eighth Number: 

The eighth number gives information about the type of engine used in manufacturing the vehicle.

•The Last Eight Numbers: These digits have a unique sequence that makes your vehicle different from others. Even if the model is the same these digits will remain unique. 

Importance of Vehicle’s VIN Number

If you want to identify a vehicle's history then the VIN number can help you.

Now we will discuss the importance of a VIN number which you should have knowledge about before buying any vehicle.

Here are some importance of vehicle's VIN number

1- For Safety Purpose: 

When you plan to buy a vehicle you don't have any idea about its condition. VIN number can help you in identifying information about the parts of the vehicle which will prevent you from getting any damage because of the defective part of the vehicle.

It keeps your and your vehicle's health fit and fine.

2- Used In Car Purchase: 

If you are planning to buy a second-hand vehicle and you don't have any knowledge about the car before buying it then the VIN number can be very helpful as it helps in identifying the condition and the information about the parts of the car. If you are buying a second-hand vehicle from a car dealer then it will help you in identifying whether the dealer is honest about the things which he is claiming. It also helps in finding whether the vehicle was involved in any type of crime or not. These things help you in buying the vehicle at appropriate prices and in good condition.

3- To Catch Thieves: 

As we know that VIN number is unique for all vehicles so it helps the authorities in finding your vehicle after it is stolen. There are many places in the car on which the VIN is engraved hence it will be difficult for the thief to get rid of it.

At last, we can conclude that the VIN number helps in protecting buyers of your car. Here we have discussed almost every detail which you should know about the VIN number, its meaning, its importance, etc.  

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