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Tegaderm after tattoo SKIN PROTECTION is non-greasy

Tegaderm after tattoo SKIN PROTECTION is non-greasy

Tegaderm tattoo remains on the tattooed area for 48 hours as protection.

Showering is possible with the membrane as normal. Sauna, solarium, sport, fitness, swimming pool or bath must be avoided. Until the tattoo has completely healed!


If wound fluid collects under the membrane in the form of blisters, this is not a problem, but a natural process. Please do not pierce the blisters.


The Tegaderm tattoo should then be removed after 2 days. Please do not wear the membrane any longer - even if the average wearing time of 5 - 7 days is stated on the packaging. The healing process for tattoos is different from that for “ordinary” wounds.


Depending on the part of the body, the Tegaderm tattoo can be easily removed under running water. Please do not tear off under any circumstances. As we know from the mother's "painless" plaster removal techniques. A violent impact on your epidermis (upper skin). The newly grown and extremely sensitive vitreous skin can result in scarring. And further blistering on the skin area.


Once the Tegaderm tattoo has been removed, you can clean the tattoo.

For this, we recommend a special cleansing gel from Tegaderm. The medical washing gel was specially developed by Tegaderm. The initial treatment of your freshly inked tattoo frees the skin from exudate residues. The gel soothes the skin, relieves itching, which is, unfortunately, part of the healing process. And provides sufficient moisture via a healthy protective film.


The Tegaderm tattoo bandage is foamed in the palm of the hand. And applied to the tattooed skin area with light circular movements without pressure. Then please rinse the skin area with clear water. Dab it with a soft, lint-free cloth - please do not rub under pressure!


Now check if your freshly inked tattoo is in the normal healing process by letting. It breathes untouched in the air for a few minutes. If wound water (exudate) is still forming, then you are behind the average in the healing process.


Please inform your tattoo artist or dermatologist. To adapt the wound healing strategy in case of doubt.

If the freshly tattooed part of the house remains dry, from this point onwards only cream is applied. From now on, you can refrain from using Tegaderm or other films any further. Please do not use greasy creams such as vaseline, milking grease, or normal hand cream. We also advise against covering the skin with cream. As both would have more or less the same effect the wound can then start weeping again.


For further treatment of your fresh tattoo. We recommend Tegaderm after tattoo SKIN PROTECTION as intensive care after tattooing. The cream specially developed by Tegaderm tattoo for aftercare penetrates deep into the skin. It promotes cell formation and allows the tattoo to regenerate quickly.


Tegaderm after tattoo SKIN PROTECTION is non-greasy. And thanks to the active ingredient dexpanthenol, makes the skin very supple and keeps it moist. The cream is rubbed thinly on the skin and can be used several times (3-4 times) a day.


Care Instructions for Healing


If you have observed and followed all care instructions for the healing of your new tattoo. Then we now recommend Tegaderm color protection to protect and strengthen the radiance of your tattoo for the future.


The natural aging process and environmental influences on and in our skin, such as UV exposure. It will gnaw at your tattoo again and again. Tegaderm tattoo protection offers you solid basic protection. Through UVA and UVB filters and protects the darker and more sensitive tattooed skin areas in particular. A specially developed formula forms not only a pleasant feeling on the skin. But above all an invisible daily protective film for your tattoo and thus maintains the color intensity.


The Tegaderm tattoo products were developed in Germany by doctors. Tattoo artists to protect and provide medical skincare for your tattoo.


Important instructions!!


Since we only give general recommendations and tips here. But no guarantees, let alone assume liability. Please seek individual and detailed advice from your tattoo artist, dermatologist, and/or pharmacist on site. Their instructions, care, and aftercare instructions always take precedence! These must be strictly observed by you so that you can enjoy your tattoo for a long time!

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