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Governments and Health Organizations Undertaken Initiatives For Aspiration & Biopsy Needles

Healthcare Research Reports
Governments and Health Organizations Undertaken Initiatives For Aspiration & Biopsy Needles

The biopsy needles segment accounted for the largest share of the fine needle aspiration market in 2019. The large share of this segment can be attributed to the rising prevalence of cancer and increasing preference for minimally invasive diagnostic procedures. 


The aspiration and biopsy needles market is segmented into breast, lung, colorectal, prostate, kidney, and bone & bone marrow. In 2019, the breast cancer segment accounted for the largest share of the market. The large share of this segment is mainly attributed to the rising prevalence of breast cancer, growing awareness about the disease, and increasing research activity pertaining to breast screening and diagnosis. 


The aspiration and biopsy needles market is segmented into image-guided procedures (ultrasound-guided biopsy, stereotactic-guided biopsy, MRI-guided biopsy, and other image-guided procedures) and nonimage-guided procedures. Image-guided procedures accounted for the largest share of this market in 2018, primarily due to the provision of accuracy provided by it in locating the mass of cells and liquid hence helping it in accuracy for diagnosis. 


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This report covers the aspiration and biopsy needles market across four major geographies—North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World. North America commanded the largest share of the fine needle aspiration market in 2019. 



Factors such as the increasing prevalence of cancer in the US and Canada and cancer awareness initiatives undertaken by local governments and global health organizations in the North America region are the key factors driving market growth. 


Key Market Players

CONMED Corporation (US), Medtronic Plc (Ireland), Olympus (Japan), Becton, Dickinson and Company (US), Boston Scientific Corporation (US), Cook Group Incorporated (US), Argon Medical Devices, Inc (US), INRAD Inc. (US), Somatex Medical Technologies (Germany), Stryker Corporation (US), Cardinal Health (US), Remington Medical (US), HAKKO CO.,LTD (Japan), and Merit Medical Systems (US) are some of the major players in the aspiration and biopsy needles market.

Healthcare Research Reports
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