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How To Have a Perfect Weekend in Gold Coast, Queensland

scarlett stark
How To Have a Perfect Weekend in Gold Coast, Queensland

With it’s incredible array of tourist attractions, eclectic experiences and buzzing vibes all around, Gold Coast is a standout strip of golden sands and high-rise buildings. It is one of the best coastal destinations amongst a hundred others and has been the favourite holiday destination for most of the Aussies. This paradise of beaches, national parks, theme parks, gardens, wildlife and museums is located south of Brisbane on the eastern coast of Australia. Every year more than ten million travellers plan their visit to this coastal haven and if you're ever one of them, keep in mind these activities/attractions to enjoy Gold Coast to the max.

Tour the city on a River Cruise

Gold Coast is blessed with numerous canals, rivers and other waterways which stretches throughout the city and is known to be the perfect setting for many water-related activities. The big hit among them is the popular Gold Coast cruises which take you on a voyage through these scenic waterways and is a great opportunity for you to witness the impressive city skyline along with some of the incredible edifices perched on the waterfront. Choose from a selection of cruises and get a chance to click amazing photos of the surrounding flora and fauna and numerous other attractions while listening to informative commentaries about the same. Among these Gold Coast River cruises, some of them also offer numerous entertainment and dining options as well so choose according to your likes and enjoy a quick getaway with your family.

Spend time Surfing in the Surfing Capital

Gold Coast is known to have some of the top beaches in the world and if you're a surfer by heart then this is the place you want to spend the rest of your life. A visit to any of the beaches is recommended, especially if you're into surfing and even if you're a beginner there is no better place to learn this awesome skill! There are many surfing schools available here including the ones in Surfers Paradise, Snapper Rocks, Rainbow Bay and Currumbin Valley from where you can learn how to dance with the waves. Even if you're not a fan of getting wet you can simply hit the beaches and relax and re-energise under the sun taking in the ocean views and the sea breeze. The setting in Surfers Paradise, one of the top tourist attractions in the Coast, is one not to be missed and you can soak up the culture here by going on a shopping spree or stopping by at the many oceanfront bars and restaurants.

Go back to being a kid at Warner Bros Movie World

Gold Coast is blessed with many incredible theme parks suitable for people of all ages but the one that stands out is the Warner Bros. Movie World, located on the Pacific Motorway in the Oxenford suburb. This themed park is not only ideal for kids but adults too can get excited seeing their favourite movie characters and superheroes come to life. Apart from making memories with your favourite DC superheroes and supervillains, visitors can enjoy the thrill of going down, up and sideways on some of the thrilling roller coasters the park including the Green Lantern and Super Escape. There are many kid-friendly shows and entertainments here as well and with stalls offering themed goodies, they will be more than satisfied on the way back home. Feel free to stop by the many restaurants and other eateries and enjoy different foods and desserts before heading back into the city.

scarlett stark
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