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Solved: HP Printer Error Filter Failed message

Solved: HP Printer Error Filter Failed message

The HP filter failed issue can be a sign of a malfunctioning device. As a result, you may be unable to make use of it. This error message may appear if your printer’s filter is not compatible with the OS version you are using, whether it is Mac or Windows. Now the question is How To Fix HP Printer Filter Failed Error. As a result, you may get an error message about a filter failure on the printer’s display. Consequently, you’ll be unable to print anything or have low-quality printing. To fix the filter failure problem, you can attempt manually installing your printer’s driver, resetting your printer’s settings to default, and changing your printing and paper settings. Through this blog, we hope to better explain the causes and solutions to the HP printer filter failure problem.

What Does A Filter Failure Mean On My HP printer?

If the filter on your HP printer stops working, it means that the data in your file is not being transformed into a format that is compatible with and friendly to your printer. It is possible to fix Printer Filter Failed Error by resetting the device and adjusting the loading paper parameters. It is the filter in your printer’s cartridges that converts the type of data in your documents into a format that your HP printer can read. A failure to do so may result in the HP printer filter failure on Mac, Windows, Ubuntu, and other operating systems. 

Why HP Printer Filter Failed Error

If you are looking for printer troubleshooting steps for the HP filter failed issue, an important thing for you to remember is that you need to get to the bottom of the issue How To Fix HP Printer Filter Failed Error from the scratch. A situation where the filter fails in HP printers in Mac OS or Windows can be due to:

  • You may have installed the printer drivers incorrectly.
  • Incorrect paper settings can cause this problem.
  • The sharing option may have been disabled on your device.

Steps To Resolve HP Printer filter failed Error

If the filter on your HP printer stops working, it means that the data in your file is not being transformed into a format that is compatible with and friendly to your printer. you are looking for solutions to your Printer Filter Failed Error issues then you are in the right place. The predicament can occur when the user tries to print some important documents from the HP printer. Incorrect or malicious driver programs can also be noisy and play the main victims role. You can try a simple step if you are facing the HP printer filter failed issue

Reinstall Printer Drivers

Reinstalling the drivers may fix the Filter failed error on your HP device. You will need to remove your printer connection from your computer and then reconnect it. You will need to download the updated version of the drivers through HP’s official website. You can install the printer driver by following the on-screen instructions.

  • Click “System Information”.
  • Then go to the “Printers” option.
  • Here you will be able to see the drivers installed on your printer.
  • Remove the HP device that you think is causing the problem.
  • Reconnect the printer to your desktop.
  • Download and install the latest version of HP printer drivers.

Enable Share option

Enabling the sharing option connects your printer and your system. This option can be found in your Windows computer’s system settings. To access these settings, you can open Control Panel. You can also do the same by following the steps mentioned here:

  • Open “Control Panel” through the “Start” menu.
  • Go to “System Settings”.
  • Click on the “Share” option.
  • Enter the name of your system to pair with the printer.
  • Then click “Exit”.

Change Paper Settings

Printer Filter Failed Error can also be caused by incorrect paper settings. You can change the paper settings by previewing the document you want to print. Then click on the TIFF option in the dialog box and save your changes. Export your PDF document via the TIFF option. Uncheck the Alpha option and save the changes again. You can then easily print your document. We’ve given a detailed look at all the instructions you can follow to run this fix:

  • When printing a PDF file, open the PDF file’s “Main Menu” in the dialog box.
  • Go to the “Preview” section to open the PDF.
  • Click the “File” menu to open it, then click the “Save…” option.
  • Then a format dialog box will open on your screen. Select the “TIFF” option from it.
  • Open the “Resolution” window and click the “Pixels/inches” button.
  • Enter “600” in the blank space provided.
  • Click on the “Save” option to save the changes.
  • Go through the main menu to the “File” menu and then to “Export to…”.
  • Again, click the “TIFF” option in the “Format” dialog box.
  • Uncheck the “Alpha” box and click the “Save” option.
  • Select the “File” option and then click the “Print” button.

Once you have completed all the above steps, choose the correct paper size and dimensions and complete the printer settings. Then reinstall the printer drivers in your system.



Issues with printing, such as HP printer filter failed can cause serious problems, particularly if you need urgent prints for business purposes. If you have a technical problem with your printer, the best way to solve Printer Filter Failed Error is to fix it right away rather than putting it off for too long. Hopefully, the steps outlined above will solve the problem.

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