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All About The Nonwoven Slitters- A Common Query Answered

LYISH Engineering Ltd.
All About The Nonwoven Slitters- A Common Query Answered

If you are connected with the paper-making industry, then you may have come to different kinds of queries. We have also come across the various question. But today in this blog we have chosen to slit as our topic. We have answered some of the common questions related to this process. Slitting is the process of cutting which is not used in the paper industry, but in other nonwoven industries too. Nonwoven slitters are used for nonwoven fabric which is mainly the ones that are not knitted. Paper is one of them where it is widely used.

How To Get Smooth Finishing?

The main query which we often come across: how to perfect the slitting task to get the smooth finishing.

Well, what is smooth finishing? The term smooth finishing, it is mainly referred to the edges of the rolls. That has to be perfectly cut without any rings and also have the proper tension to unwind the roll by the customers. It is one of the visually appealing factors that can make the product more high-grade too.

So, for that, you must install the right equipment and make them properly used also. The design of the slitter, the blend of the blades, and the tooling control are majorly considered. Various slitters come with different functionality, but your choice would be based on the preferred production.

For Perfect Finishing

Here are some of the key points that you have to consider for such a perfect finishing:

  • Understand the functioning of the machine and then choose the right one. For this, you can consider discussing with the expert manufacturer who can guide you.
  • Consider your product for the blades. For a huge diameter, you need sharper blades than the smaller rolls. So, it entirely depends on the product production.
  • Some other major considerations are roll surfaces, load cells, unwind types, drive size, the design shaft, and many more.

Paper slitters are used along with the rewinding. Once the paper is slitted from the huge roll, it is passed through the embossing and then the rewinding machine to get back the smaller rolls of the desired diameter. Again, the slitter is installed to cut the final product.

The sharper blades are used for the cutter more precisely the cut will come out. SO the finishing of the edges will be more smooth with the correct tension forces.

In The End,

Concluding, choosing the slitter manufacturer can be challenging. Remember to choose any manufacturer who is professional, experienced, and also licensed. That is very important. Without the license, no company is considered a reliable one.

Check out the pre-sale and post-sale service too. Pre-sale services include the inspection of the product before delivering and after-sales service includes warranty-related services.

Discuss properly before ordering and then choose the right equipment for the right product. 

LYISH Engineering Ltd.
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