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Air Ocean Cargo Logistics Services in India - Jeena & Company

Air Ocean Cargo Logistics Services in India - Jeena & Company

Experience the finest in Sea Freight with Jeena. Our world-class technology and infrastructure offer seamless shipping and tracking of cargo.

Avail Services That Are Efficient And Reliable. Efficient Ocean Services with Human Support. Support and guidance is what we pride ourselves on. With Jeena, you can avoid the complexities associated with international shipping right from purchase order management to space protection.

Get services at affordable rates Our service contracts with global stream liners enable us to provide the best value for your money. Jeena’s tailor made services ensure that your transportation cost objectives are dealt with effectively.


How our areas of expertise make us distinct?

Container Freight Station (CFS) Loads is our specialty service offering. Driven by the latest technology, we perform both pick and pack and scan pack within the container freight station facility. Our extensive presence across India, dedicated tailor-made consolidation platforms, and G.O.H facilities along with quality check centers enhance our sea freight service expertise. Our Data, Information & EDI Management allows for an interface with clients and overseas partners.

Jeena's Overseas Client Management team which acts as the extended arm of the customer ensures both carrier and vendor management.

To know more: https://jeena.com/sea-freight-cargo-logistics-services-india.php

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