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Terra E Rickshaw Models With Features And Overview

devendra singh
Terra E Rickshaw Models With Features  And Overview

The Terra E Rickshaw models are very popular in the commercial vehicles segment. These 3 wheelers are reliable, potent, robust and more suitable for city transportation operations. The Terra E Rickshaw models are mainly used for passenger travelling purposes. Due to the performance and superior mileage, these  3 wheelers are top-rated among all the fleet operators. These electric vehicles are designed according to the customers' needs, so the customers have fully believed in these models. 

The engine of these electric vehicles is manufactured with advanced technology that provides long working hours in the transportation works. Moreover, there are 4 Terra commercial vehicles available at Truck Junction. If you desire to know more about the Terra Electric models, then follow this blog. 

1. Terra Motors Y4A Auto Rickshaw

This 3 wheeler is manufactured with 2120 MM of wheelbase, 160 MM of ground clearance and 3600 MM of minimum turning radius. The seating capacity of this model is 1 Driver + 4 Passengers, and it has a Lead Acid 140Ah type battery. This electric vehicle provides 25 Kmph of the maximum speed, which is best for many works. 

2. Terra Motors Sumo Auto Rickshaw

This electric vehicle is powerful and famous for its quality work in the 3 wheeler segment. It comes with a Lead Acid 140Ah type battery, and during the 6 - 8 hours, this battery is fully charged. The seating capacity of this model is 1 Driver + 4 Passengers, and it provides 25 Kmph of maximum speed. 

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devendra singh
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