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The Importance Of A Pre-Purchase Car Inspection

The Importance Of A Pre-Purchase Car Inspection

Buying a car can seem like a daunting task, especially if you are deciding on whether to buy new or used. And, if you've settled on a used vehicle, there are many things to consider before just driving away. Having a pre-purchase vehicle inspection done can save you time, and money in the long run, and it can prevent you from being scammed or done in.

Most automotive technicians or mechanics will be able to carry out a pre-purchase vehicle inspection on your behalf. These professionals evaluate the vehicle you plan on buying to determine its condition and value so you don't end up with a lemon of a car riddled with hidden problems. Such an inspection can also give you an idea of whether you are paying too much for what you're getting. Here's how a professional will complete a pre-sale car inspection and the checklist you should use when buying a used car.

What Does A Car Pre-Purchase Inspection Entail?

A pre-purchase car inspection is a professional service offered by an automotive technician or mechanic who will thoroughly assess the condition and quality of a car that a buyer is looking to purchase. Here are some things they will do during such an inspection:

  • Test Drive - Taking the car for a drive is a good first step. During this road test, the professional will listen for any odd noises from the engine, transmission, and drivetrain, and will be able to feel if the acceleration and braking responses are fine or indicative of a fault or excessive wear and tear. They can also give you a sense of the car's level of safety, if you aren't familiar with checking safety ratings on your car yourself.
  • Monitor Checks - The automotive technician or mechanic can scan the car's various computers for trouble codes that provide information on electrical or system errors. They'll also review the driver information screen for any warning lights and faulty bulbs.

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