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How to pay for xSignals PRO license using Payeer?

How to pay for xSignals PRO license using Payeer?

Payeer is an electronic wallet available in Russian, Spanish, Chinese, French and English. The payment system has been operating in the money transfer market since 2012.


Payer has a huge popularity. This is due to the ease of use of the site, the presence of a huge range of financial instruments and areas of settlement, as well as the lack of mandatory verification.


However, the Payeer system warns that it closely cooperates with law enforcement agencies, and when any illegal actions are recorded, it discloses information about the movement of funds on the platform.


Pay for xSignals PRO license using Payeer.


You can pay for a PRO license for xSignals withinside the decent shop on the website

Do now not purchase the xSignals PRO license from specific webweb webweb sites as this comes with a immoderate danger of losing your capital.

In order to pay for the xSignals PRO license using Payeer, observe step by step below:

Step 1: Register an account at payeer.com. Enter your email deal with.

After registration, you can get maintain of a letter with a confirmation code.

To authorize, observe the link from the letter.

You gets maintain of a Payeer wallet username and password upon first authorization. Do now not share your login data with anyone.

Step 2: Deposit coins into your Payeer wallet account. Choose a reachable way to top up your wallet.

You can top up your Payeer wallet via specific wallets:

You can top up your Payeer account via exchangers:

Step 3: Go to the Store on your personal account xSignals, choose out a tariff and click “BUY”;

Step 4: Choose the rate method "Payeer" and click "PAY";

Step 5: Choose Payeer and rate foreign exchange;

Step 6: Check the data and click “CONFIRM”;

Step 7: The machine will invoice the xSignals PRO license and robotically deliver the invoice for your Payeer;

Step 8: Confirm bill rate.

How to pay with cryptocurrency using Payeer?

Cryptocurrency is becoming greater well-known every year, many already have crypto wallets. This manner of rate has many greater blessings than fiat, every in terms of anonymity and security.

In order to pay for the xSignals PRO license using Payeer, observe step by step below:

Step 1: Choose a tariff and click “BUY”;

Step 2: Choose the rate method "Payeer" and click "PAY”;

Step 3: Choose one of the cryptocurrencies BTC, USDT, ETH, Litecoin

USDT (Tether) is pegged to the dollar and sponsored via fiat foreign exchange reserves. The USDT cryptocurrency has a number of important blessings: whole transparency of calculation, immoderate transaction speed, low volatility, low commission, and proper protection in competition to scammers and hackers.

Step 4: Write your email and click "Confirm";

Step 5: Copy the deal with for your crypto wallet and transfer the correct rate amount withinside the unique time;

Step 6: Do now not close to the Payeer rate window until the reputation is completed successfully;

Step 7: After successful rate, your PRO tariff can be robotically activated.

If the PRO tariff is not activated, deliver the following records to [email protected]:

Withdrawal deal with;

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