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How to Style Modern White Kitchen Cabinets in Your Home?

Smith Morgan
How to Style Modern White Kitchen Cabinets in Your Home?

White has been a favorite among designers and homeowners for its bright yet elegant look, which works well with most types of home interiors. This is probably one of the reasons why white is never considered to be bland. While white does need a little extra maintenance, designers love this color for the beauty, elegance, and sophistication that it offers the interiors of a home. It makes the living space look bigger and the relative neutrality of white ensures that it works well with most types of interior décor. So, upgrading your kitchen with modern white kitchen cabinets is a good idea, and here are certain things you might consider before starting to decorate your dream kitchen:

1. All white cabinetry: If you’re looking for a quick renovation without breaking the bank, the best option is to go for all white cabinetry in your kitchen. However, not all white cabinetry is the same. There’s an exquisite range of marbles, paints, tiles, and artworks that you can choose from when it comes to buying furniture in white.

For all-white cabinets, you can use different textures to bring out the uniqueness of the furnishings, despite the similar color palette. You may have a tile backsplash with a white matte finish and flooring made from white marbles. White marble may also be used for the countertops. The cabinet shelves may be made from glass. If you want to have a little contrast, you can put dark-colored cutlery and dinner sets on the shelves. With every other item being white, this little splash of color will add vibrance to the kitchen.


2. White cabinets with contrasting flooring: Choosing a contrasting color for the floor might just break the monotony of an all-white kitchen create a more vibrant ambiance with the contrast. One of the most popular types of flooring which will create a beautiful contrast with white cabinets is a hardwood floor. Deep green granite flooring may also create a unique contrast when installed in a kitchen having white cabinets. Black matte tiles, sand-brown tiles, gray stones, and natural stones are amongst the other available options.


3. Contrasting and complementing accessories: Even though white is the perfect color when you want to make the kitchen look spacious and open, it's better to have a secondary color or a different shade of the same color that will occasionally break the monotony.


  • A wooden floating island amongst white cabinetry will be unique and visually remarkable. With a narrow base, you can easily give the illusion of a floating cabinet.
  • You may also opt for a contrasting backsplash, for example, one made from deep brown or gray natural stones. Bright patterns in an Italian-style backsplash will bring vibrance to your modern white kitchen. Gray matte tiles in Moroccan style will add an elegant touch to the white kitchen. A contrasting backsplash always adds character to your design and makes the cabinetry look interesting. So, you can opt for a suitable backsplash for variety and vibrance in your kitchen.
  • Along with the contrasted backsplash or flooring, you can also opt for contrasting colors when it comes to chairs and other accessories.
  • Another part of the kitchen where you can use contrasts is the countertop. Granite provides a wide range of colors and is durable, which makes it the perfect material for kitchen countertops. Sapphire blue, gray, green, black, and warm brown are shades that offer options that attractively complement the white cabinets.

4. Classic black and white: Black and white have been a classic combination forever. Bold, chequered floors with a black or gray backsplash and black countertops can make for a timeless kitchen design. You can easily incorporate them if you are planning to renovate the kitchen space. Wooden bar stools may also be added alongside the elegant metal island. Steel finishes work well with black and white color schemes and may be used in the nooks and corners of the cabinetry. Together, they create a clean and minimalistic look for the white cabinets.


In Conclusion

White is always a favorite because the color is both elegant and timeless and wouldn't go out of fashion soon. The color white works well with all kinds of styles, like country, vintage, traditional, and modern. You can also add a range of accessories to a white kitchen cabinet without making the space look cluttered or ostentatious. Finally, white reflects light, so white cabinetry will help to brighten a dark space or a kitchen that doesn’t get sufficient natural sunlight. White cabinets with a glossy finish will further help to reflect the available light, illuminating all corners of the kitchen and making it look more spacious than it is.

Smith Morgan
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