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Recycled Glass Market Size

Recycled Glass Market Size

Recycled glass is created by converting glass waste into products that can be used as raw materials or in other applications. Significant benefits associated with recycled glass, such as a 20% reduction in air pollution and a 50% reduction in related water pollution, have been critical in the market growth in recent years. It also reduces the amount of landfill space occupied by bottle and jar waste, resulting in fewer pollutant emissions into the environment.

One of the most important areas of interest in the world of recycling is recycled glass. The market has been around since the 1960s. However, rising demand for recycled raw materials increased consumer awareness, and regulatory mandates have fueled growth in recent years.

The impact of recycled glass on glass production in terms of reduced raw material volumes and costs, as well as extended plant life and improved energy savings, has been a key driver. Untapped potential in developing economies, as well as continuous advancements in the glass recycling process, promise growth over the next 7-10 years.

The global recycled glass market size is anticipated to be valued at over USD 4.5 billion in 2020 and grow at a CAGR of 7.6% by 2027.

Strategic Materials Inc., a Houston-based glass recycler, opened a new crushed glass abrasives production facility in Houston in January 2020 to meet increased regional demand. The improved bagging technology at the facility aims to triple its abrasive product output. Consol Glass launched a "Ocean Pollution" awareness campaign in May 2021 in order to reduce plastic waste and transition to more sustainable packaging options.

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