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Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery

Dr Ashwani Bansal
Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery

Most of the cardiac surgery involves opening up the patient's chest to reach the heart. The surgery is then done on the heart, which is a big risk especially to the patient. The minimally invasive cardiac surgery is a relatively new technology that allows the surgeon to reach the heart without having to cut open the patient's chest. This saves the patient a lot of pain and the risk of having to spend more time in hospital. This blog will discuss the minimally invasive cardiac surgery and what it entails, as well as other cardiac surgeries.

1. Why do we need minimally invasive cardiac surgery?

Minimally invasive cardiac surgery is a new surgical procedure that's been gaining popularity over traditional open heart surgery. Minimally invasive surgery, or MIS, has proven to be a safe and effective way to treat patients. Benefits of this procedure include lower risk of infection, less pain and shorter length of hospital stay. It has also been shown to be a cost effective procedure. MIS has been proven to be a safe and effective way to treat patients. Benefits of this procedure include lower risk of infection, less pain and shorter length of hospital stay. It has also been shown to be a cost effective procedure.

2. What is minimally invasive cardiac surgery?

Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery (MICS) is the future of heart surgery. In this procedure the surgeons make small incisions and use special instruments, including a camera and miniature surgical tools, to perform the operation. This surgery can reduce risks, shorten the length of hospital stay, reduce recovery time, and cut costs. MICS is a technique used to treat heart disease. During the surgery, the surgeon reaches the heart to keep the heart beating. MICS uses less bleeding, less pain, and less scarring than open heart surgery.

3. How is minimally invasive cardiac surgery performed?

There are several techniques for cardiac surgery, but one of the most common, minimally invasive cardiac surgery, is carried out from the elbow down. In this procedure, the chest, abdomen, or leg is used as a pathway for heart surgery, eliminating the need for a long incision, which can easily cause infections, lung complications and other medical problems. A miniaturized operating room is created; this lets the surgeon get an accurate, clear view of the heart. A tiny camera, or “endoscope,” is used to look inside the heart and the blood vessels. This provides the surgeon with a bigger picture, so to speak, of what is happening inside the body. The surgeon can also use the endoscope to place a stent in the coronary artery.

4. Why you need to go for minimally invasive cardiac surgery?

Minimally invasive cardiac surgery is an alternative to conventional open heart surgery, which is used in situations that are considered low risk and suitable for the surgical approach. In this procedure, a small incision is made in the chest to gain access to the heart. The procedure is called minimally invasive as the size of the incision is smaller as compared to conventional heart surgery. Minimally invasive heart surgery is being used in most of the places to treat patients with coronary artery disease. The technique is not suitable for all the cases, but the rate of success is high when the patients are chosen for this procedure.

Conclusion: Are you looking for minimally invasive cardiac surgery? If yes, then book a consultation with a cardiologist today.

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Dr Ashwani Bansal
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