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Be an expert in styling your kitchen in the Spanish way

V.Colbert Group

If you're planning a home kitchen remodeling New Castle DE, you might be considering which design style to go with. While modern kitchens are all the rage, you could prefer a more traditional design. There's no greater option than a kitchen in the Spanish style! A Spanish-style kitchen is the ideal design choice if you want to create a welcoming area for your friends and family, thanks to its warm colors and inviting look.

But where do you start when building a kitchen in the Spanish style? Combining these warm colors and varied patterns can be more difficult than it appears, so we've compiled a selection of our favorite Spanish-inspired kitchens to show you how to do it.

Terracotta style

Terracotta tiles are synonymous with Spanish design and aesthetics. Finding creative ways to incorporate these tiles into the area is a great approach to add warmth. Rustic and earthy tones are frequently used in Spanish decor to connect you to nature, and terracotta is no exception! Whether you use textured terracotta tiles to create a stunning floor or to install them as worktops or backsplash, you'll be immersed in a kitchen full of old-world Spanish charm.

Wooden beams

Incorporating wooden beams into the ceiling is one of our favorite methods to create a Spanish-style kitchen. Warm wood tones provide a welcoming ambiance, and the design draws the eye across the room. From conventional beams on an otherwise naked ceiling to employing them as an accent on a vaulted ceiling, wooden beams may be used in a variety of ways. Starting with wooden beams is the simplest method to create a stunning Spanish-style space.

Patterned backsplash

What makes the Spanish style so varied and vivid is the use of textures and patterns. is one of the most effective ways to improve the beauty of a kitchen! Choose a tile with a vivid or wacky design to make your backsplash a focal point in your kitchen. You have a limitless number of textured, patterned, and colored tiles to choose from! There are various ways to make your tile backdrop a main point, whether you install hand-painted tile with detailed design work, arrange your tile in a distinctive pattern, or choose a compelling color choice.

Companies that help in remodeling kitchens also provide bathroom home improvement New Castle DE services.

V.Colbert Group
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