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Fix Norton Error 8504 and 104 -Basicsprotection

Fix Norton Error 8504 and 104 -Basicsprotection

Norton antivirus offers excellent free malware protection from viruses and malware. When you are using Windows, Mac, and other systems, you will require antivirus protection to protect your system from such viruses. There is various antivirus available in the market, most of them using Norton antivirus. When you are using Norton antivirus some error occurs like errors 8504 and 104.

In this blog, we will discuss the Norton error 8504 104, and there few fixes to this as well. 

Reasons for Norton internet security errors 8504 and 104:

There are below mentioned a few reasons that show Norton error 8504 and 104 occurs:

1. Download a corrupt file.

2. Incomplete the installation process.

3. In corrupt window files that may have caused due to viruses and malware.

4. Due to irregularities in the window registry that occur because of the new Norton software.

5. You must have not downloaded the Norton antivirus software.

Method to Fix Norton security errors 8504 and 104:

Fix the Norton security error 8504 and 104 by the following steps:

1. Use free security tools 

2. Using the Norton remove and reinstall tool

3. Install all updates that are available on the window

 4. Repair the window registry that occurred

1. Use free security tools:

1. Firstly, turn on your system and check that any antivirus tool is already installed. If any antivirus has already been installed, then you must uninstall the existing antivirus tool.

2. Now, press window +8 to launch the run command and type “appwiz.cpl “then press enter.

3. Now, make a selection of free security tools. Then select the option of uninstalling.

4. follow all rules and instructions in order to remove the selected program.

5. After that you have executed the uninstallation process, then restart the system.

2. Using the Norton remove and reinstall tool:

1. In this method, turn on your system and start with the procedure of downloading the latest version of Norton antivirus.

2. Firstly, remove all existing Norton antivirus that is preinstalled on your system.

3. Go to Norton's official website and click on the download file of Norton. select the option of run in order to install the antivirus software.

4. Select all terms and conditions and select the option of advanced option.

5. Click on the remove option and remove the antivirus 

6. Now restart your system. 

3. Install all updates that are available on the window:

1. Firstly, turn on your system.

2. Click on the start button that is on the extreme bottom–left corner of the desktop.

3. Now, you see the search box, type window updates, and press enter.

4. When you see the update dialog box will be there on the screen. In case you see any updates that are pending, make sure to update them all.

4. The Repair the window registry that occurred:

1. Firstly, turn on your system.

2. Now, click on the start option that is on the bottom–left corner of the screen and type command.

3. Press these together keys: control, shift and enter.

4. Now you will clean up the disk and make a selection of the temporary files once the process starts.

5. After that select the files and make choice to remove them by clicking the checkboxes in front of them.

Some other types of Norton internet security error 8504:

•Norton security error 8504 0

•Norton security error 8504 5

•Norton security errors 8504  and 104 

•Norton security errors 8504 and 100 

•Norton security error 8504 102

•Norton security error 8504 106

You must try to apply the above-mentioned solutions to fix Norton security error 8504. That times your issues are not resolved do not have to worry you can directly contact an expert to fix these issues through Free Live Chat. You can buy antivirus protection software for Windows online.

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