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Jaquish Biomedical

Jaquish Biomedical provides an X3 Band Bar, Home Gym System, and Variable resistance system with which you can safely train with higher levels of force to trigger muscle growth. Unlike most coffee replacement products, IN-Perium provides a healthy blend of caffeine, MCT oil, and electrolytes to maximize overall performance and optimize health. When you pick up a 20-pound dumbbell to perform a bicep curl, the load doesn’t change as you move through the lift. And let’s face it, we know you can lift more than what you’re able to move at the very bottom of your curl.

Unfortunately, with free weights you are limited to the amount of weight your weakest range of motion can handle.

If you lift more than what your weakest range can handle, you put yourself at risk for incorrect form, strain, and injury.

This is why variable resistance is so effective. It allows you to go heavy where you’re at your strongest. And what is one of the core principles of muscle building?

You MUST go heavy to build muscle.

Now, if weights don’t rely on the principles of variable resistance, what does?

Resistance bands:

Every time you exercise with resistance bands, you tap into the three principles of variable resistance training we discussed above:


•  Variable Resistance: A weighted load that changes, getting lighter at your weakest point and heavier at your strongest point.


•  Constant Tension: There’s no resting at the bottom or top of a lift. The amount of tension will change from less to more as you move through the exercise, but there is tension the entire time.


•  Diminishing Range: Reducing range of motion but continuing as you fatigue allows you to hit an optimal level of muscle growth.


•  Variable resistance training with resistance bands provides the ideal stimulus to encourage a hypertrophic effect.

•  Can Resistance Bands Build Muscle?

•  Absolutely. Numerous studies as well as our own research have repeatedly shown that resistance bands are extremely effective for building lean muscle mass.

•  But how is that possible? After all, don’t you have to go heavy to get bigger? And don’t bands weigh less than a pound?

•  How resistance bands build muscle can be broken down in a few ways: stimulus, growth hormone, and fatigue.

Jaquish Biomedical
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