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PRP-Tubes | VI Density Life Platelets

PRP-Tubes | VI Density Life Platelets

When it comes to safe PRP preparation, quality is key. PRPMED offers you safe, reliable and easy-to-use PRP tubes for this purpose!

It is the future of regenerative medicine!

The VI Density Life Platelets is the newest and most advanced device for the preparation of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP). It is a modular medical device for the preparation of PRP from the collected patient's blood. The PRP will be regenerative and will replace many standard surgical and non-surgical treatments.


PRP is a technique that is extremely popular in medicine; in cosmetology it is a unique injectable procedure for skin rejuvenation and revitalization with the patient's own platelet-enriched plasma. Prepared in a special way, platelets secrete growth factors - proteins that restore disturbed or damaged tissues, restoring their ability to regenerate themselves. Due to its high efficiency, naturalness and hypoallergenicity, this is one of the most popular procedures and is suitable for patients of all ages. Immediately after the procedure there is an increase in skin tone, smoothing of fine wrinkles and narrowing of pores.

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