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MSME Registration Online | MSME Certificate | Process

nitin dm
 MSME Registration Online | MSME Certificate | Process

 We make MSME registration unchallenging without compromising our client's time constraints and do MSME Registration online. Get MSME Certificate Online. Contact us to know the benefits and process of MSME registration.

What is MSME Registration?

Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise (MSME) is the backbone of countries like India because these are the primary contributors to the socio-economic development of the country.

Statistically, India constitutes approximately 6.3 crores MSMEs. Also, the registration of MSME has increased by 18.5% year-over-year (Y-o-Y). Along with this, this sector contributes approximately 29% of GDP by national and international trade.

Additionally, MSME is also known as Small Scale Industry (SSI) and online MSME registration is termed as UdyogAadhar or LaghuUdyog. Under the online SSI registration, the enterprise entities have classified into various categories as micro/small/medium depending on their investment in a manufacturing business or in a service sector.

Is MSME registration mandatory?

It is advisable to obtain the MSME certificate to acquire the benefits which come with it.

What is the main benefit of MSME registration?

The fundamental benefit of MSME registration online is that it provides recognition to the business through a unique number (which is given to a business).

Apart from this, with the growth of the MSME sector, there would be economic growth and increased employment.

Benefit of MSME Registration

Provide loans at a lower rate of interest.

Enable you to avail the benefits of the government schemes.

In the initial years of the commencement of the business, an MSME certificate provides you tax benefits concerning central excise and direct taxes.

Provides Industrial Promotion Rate subsidy eligibility.

Lessen the cost of trademark and patent registration. 

Avail the benefit in case of sales tax and other subsidies provided by the government. 

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