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What are the main materials of lithium battery manufacturers?

What are the main materials of lithium battery manufacturers?

Lithium battery is a kind of battery with lithium metal or lithium alloy as positive/negative material and non-aqueous electrolyte solution.

Lithium battery manufacturers about lithium battery can be roughly divided into two categories: lithium metal battery and lithium ion battery. Lithium-ion batteries do not contain metallic lithium and can be recharged.

Lithium metal battery, the fifth generation of rechargeable battery, was born in 1996. Its safety, specific capacity, self-discharge rate and performance-to-price ratio are better than lithium ion battery. The lithium-metal battery is being produced by companies in only a handful of countries because of its high technical requirements.

Carbon anode material

The anode materials used in lithium ion batteries are basically carbon materials, such as artificial graphite, natural graphite, mesophase carbon microspheres, petroleum coke, carbon fiber, pyrolytic resin carbon and so on.

Tin-based anode material

Tin - based anode materials can be divided into tin oxide and tin - based composite oxide. Oxide refers to the oxides of various valence metal tin. There are no commercial products.


There are no commercial products.

Alloy class

Including tin - based alloys, silicon - based alloys, germanium - based alloys, aluminum - based alloys, antimony - based alloys, magnesium - based alloys and other alloys, there are no commercial products.


Carbon nanotubes, nano-alloy materials.

Nano oxide

According to the latest market development trend of lithium battery new energy industry in 2009, many companies have begun to use nano titanium oxide and nano silicon oxide to add in the previous traditional graphite, tin oxide, carbon nanotubes, greatly improve the charge and discharge volume and the number of charge and discharge of lithium battery.


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