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What Is the New in Laravel 9?

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What Is the New in Laravel 9?

Learn about the latest features of Laravel 9 and why you should consider it for your next project. The first feature is that it only requires PHP 8 to work properly.

No matter how many experts you talk to, everyone will say the same thing – there is nothing better than Laravel when it comes to PHP frameworks used to develop business-level web applications. This article focuses on the latest version of the framework and its features.

Laravel has long been one of the most popular and widely used PHP frameworks. In fact, Laravel has been holding on to its popularity for years. After all, it is scalable, beautiful, and currently one of the most popular frameworks among companies and developers working with PHP. The latest version of the framework popped up on 9th February 2022 – Laravel 9.

As it is a new version, it comes with many new features. For the past few years, Laravel has been releasing new versions every six months or so. This approach has caused many questions, as well as confusion and insensitive comments about the release process. With the release of Laravel 9 a few days ago, Laravel creators switched to a 12-month release cycle.

Now, you want to hire experienced Laravel developers for a PHP-specific project. Although you have nothing to do with the upgrade feature, you can benefit from learning as much as you can about Laravel and its latest version.

So, What Is Laravel About?

It is a PHP-based web framework and open source. It has a few distinct features, but Laravel’s most notable commercial site is probably the beauty of its syntax. This MVC framework is supposed to build straightforward and complex web applications in the PHP programming language. Other than that, Laravel adheres strictly to the MVC or model structure of the model controller.

Laravel 9 Release Date

The creators of Laravel had plans to release a new version in September 2021. However, they pushed it into January 2022 and then February 2022. Due to release delays, Laravel 9 became the first long-term support or LTS release of this framework.

Shortly thereafter, the creators of Laravel announced that they would follow a 12-month release cycle. This delay was the result of a number of factors. That are listed below.

  • Once you hire Laravel developers, they will use several community-driven projects to work on your project. They will also need to use at least nine Symphony libraries. However, Symfony wanted to release version 6.0 by November 2021. This delay allowed the Laravel team to include the latest Symfony version as part of Laravel 9.
  • Due to the late release, the creators of Laravel found enough time to play with Symfony to better understand it. It even provided them with a place to fix any bugs or broken changes.
  • Finally, the delayed release of Laravel 9 has given its creators a better position to manage and publish new releases every year. Following the release of Symphony, Laravel received two months’ extra time to close things up.

As you can see, the delay in releasing Laravel 9 has been a blessing in disguise.

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