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Cost Estimation To Develop An On-Demand Delivery App Like Glovo

Apptunix Pvt. Ltd.
Cost Estimation To Develop An On-Demand Delivery App Like Glovo

With each passing day, the food business undergoes dramatic change. Most food dealers are turning to modernization to provide more convenience and comfort to end-users by allowing them to order their favorite cuisine and have it delivered directly to their doorsteps. So, if you've been thinking about developing an app to launch your business, on-demand delivery apps like Glovo would be a good start.

Glovo was launched in 2015 and has since expanded to become a major participant in the online delivery business. The company serves around 3.5 million customers across 20 countries.

Want to know- 

  • Why Does Your Company Require An App Like Glovo?
  • How Do You Create An App Like Glovo?
  • How Much Does It Cost To Create A Glovo-Like App?

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