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What Factors Should You Consider During GMP Auditing?

What Factors Should You Consider During GMP Auditing?

Conducting external audits and internal audits or self-inspection audits of outsourcing operations and suppliers are core elements of a great pharma quality system. The GMP audit checklist is aimed at helping in the systematic audit of a unit that is responsible for manufacturing finished products or drug components. The adequacy of any process is subject to the auditor’s interpretation. Therefore, the GMP Institute and ISPE do not accept any liability for any regulatory actions or observations coming out from the use of the audit checklist.

Instructions Related to GMP Audit Checklist

If you are not aware of the pharma GMP auditing and inspections, you should inquire about the type of product manufactured and how it will be organized by function and personnel. If you are taking help from professional pharmaceutical audit consultancy services, you should check into important considerations during GMP auditing.

Factors to Consider During GMP Audit Checklist

When you hire services from reliable GMP audit companies, here are some factors to consider:

  • Maintaining and Using a Written SOP for GMP Auditing
  • Assuring Confidentiality of Outcomes
  • Using Checklists As Per the Requirement
  • Ensuring All Auditors have Relevant Qualifications
  • Eliminating Conflicts of Interests


The purpose of the GMP audit is to ensure that your product quality is as per the expectations of the end customers. Therefore, you should consider all important factors with help from reliable pharmaceutical audit consultancy services.

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