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Vedic Math online course

Prodigy Club
Vedic Math online course

Vedic Math is the World’s fastest mental algebraic mathematics system. It has been in practice for centuries and allows solving complex calculations without the use of a computing device. Vedic Math online course improves speed and accuracy in students which is applicable throughout their lives. Vedic math for kids fall in love with numbers by removing the fear of math. The practice of online Vedic Math yields guaranteed results in academics.

Students from all over India participate in Verdic math tournaments here; keeping session’s fun and engaging.

Vedic Math levels at Prodigy Club is created using school curriculum in mind, and is a registered and certified course, basically it’s a Vedic maths certificate course. This program is offered online course on Vedic maths and offline both for students of 8 yrs and above.

Prodigy Club
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