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Which is the best Ayurvedic medicine for digestion?

Karma Ayurveda

Hello, my name is Khushi Bansal, and I live in Bhubaneswar. From the very beginning, I was always fond of spice food and also alcoholic beverages. My parents always used to scold me for eating such spicy fast foods and also alcohol, but I never listened to them. I always ignored whatever they said, but later I realized that I should have listened to them when they were trying to make me understand the importance of healthy food and the negative effects of spicy foods.


Every now and then, I used to eat outside food. And I was not at all eating healthy home food. After some time, my body started showing some changes, but at that time, I didn’t notice any of them. There was discomfort in my upper abdomen; I was feeling nausea and vomiting. At that time, I felt that it normal may it’s normal.

I took medicines, and I was fine, but after some time again, I was having same problems like pain in the abdomen, comfortableness, and many such issues. I then went to the doctor and told him all the problems that I was having. He gave me some medicines and told me to take them for seven days. I took the medicines as prescribed by him, but that didn’t make any difference in my health... Read more

Source - https://www.store.ayukarma.com/which-is-the-best-ayurvedic-medicine-for-digestion/

Karma Ayurveda
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