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Different Financing Options For Investing In Real Estate

ProActive Lending Group, LLC.
Different Financing Options For Investing In Real Estate

There is no doubt about the fact the investing in real estate can provide you with a lot of benefits. People have started investing in properties, especially in Houston because its economy and population are both growing rapidly. People invest in real estate for all sorts of reasons. For instance, some purchase land and keep that land for future development. Some buy a property for their loved one to live in. And some buy properties to rent them to make money. Whatever be your reason, one thing is certain that investing in real estate is an amazing way of diversifying your portfolio. Investing in real estate is not like investing in stock market. With stock market, you can start your investments with very little money. However, in the case of real estate, you need to understand that a high start up cost is required. If you have made up your mind that you want to invest in real estate, conducted your research, and discovered a great deal, then it is time for you to look investment loans in Houston. In order to get the investment property you want, you will have to secure financing for it.


This is the most tricky part of investing in real estate. You may have found the best property to invest in but getting the financing to buy that property is the most difficult part. There are different ways that you can explore to get financing for your real estate investment. Keep in mind that each of those ways have their own specific criteria that you would have to fulfill. You might be able to meet the criteria of one financing option but it may not be good for your investment goals and profitability. That is why special care needs to be taken when exploring financing options for your real estate investment. In this blog, we will take a look at some of the most common financing options in the market for purchasing a real estate. What are those options? Let’s find out.



Traditional Bank Loans

If you have a house of your own already where you live, you then might be familiar with what traditional financing looks like. When we go for traditional type of financing, generally the lender requires to pay a down payment of about 20% of the home’s purchase cost. However, when we are taking a loan to invest in real estate, then the lender in traditional financing system calls for 30% of the funds as down payment. The lender in this type of financing will take a thorough look at your credit history and credit score before approving your loan application. Once you are approved, your credit history and credit score will determine what kind of interest rate will apply to you. In addition to all this, your income and assets will be check by the lender before approving investment loan in Houston for you.


Hard Money Loans

These type of loans are not suitable if you are thinking of purchasing a property and holding it or renting it out, or working on it to develop it. These loans are best if you are flipping an investment property. There are some investors who take a hard money loan to buy a real estate property and then pay off the hard money loan using traditional financing options, private money loan, or home equity loan. Whichever option you choose to go with, make sure you have considered everything in detail to avoid problems later on. Many people to prefer to go with hard money loans because you can get them much more easily than conventional loans. Even though lenders of hard money loans consider your credit history and credit score, their main focus is on the profitability of the property. The lenders estimate how much money you will make after repairing a property to get an idea whether you’d be able to pay back the loan or not.


Loans From Individuals

Also known as private loans, these loans are given to you by an individual. If you have already tried asking your friends or family members to give you a loan, you can consider visiting local real estate investment networking events to get private money loan. Keep in mind that it determines on your relationship and understanding with the lender what the loan terms are going to be and what interest rates you will get. Private money loans are generally dreaded because their terms sometimes can get quite predatory, especially if you are not known to the lender. For investment loan in Houston, we will not advice you to go for private money loan as there are several things that can go wrong in this type of financing option.


Financing Through Home Equity

Many people get financing by making use of home equity via home equity line of credit, cash-out refinance, or a home equity loan. Usually, it is possible that you can get about 80% of the house’s equity value for buying the real estate of your liking. You can consider these options for repairing an investment property as well. However, just like other financing options, relying on equity to get financing can have its own pros and cons. For instance, with home equity line of credit, you need to keep in mind that interest rate is variable, which means it can go up if there are any changes in the prime rate. And if we talk about cash out refinance, you can expect to enjoy fixed rate with it but the life of your existing mortgage may get increased. This means you will have to more in interest with a longer loan term for your main residence.


As you can see, there are plethora of financing options for investment loans in Houston. If you are new to real estate investing, we will advice you to not choose any option on your own. It is best to work with professionals who are well-versed in the field of investment loans. There are some firms online that specialize in helping people get loan for investment properties and commercial objectives. With their help, you will be able to find the right financing option.

ProActive Lending Group, LLC.
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