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How is GoodSpace different from other hiring platforms

How is GoodSpace different from other hiring platforms

Things have changed drastically over a couple of years, thanks to COVID. It has left an unshakeable impact on the world. Many industries, to this day, are still changing and adapting in this post-pandemic era. One industry that has faced the most difficulties is the Recruitment industry. The already complicated hiring process got even more complex during the pandemic. Revamping the recruitment industry was long overdue, and GoodSpace has contributed a great deal in achieving the same.

 GoodSpace is a job seeking and hiring platform that has made recruiting and finding jobs seamless, effective and efficient. Unlike other hiring platforms where a recruiter has to follow the traditional hiring process, GoodSpace allows recruiters to reach the right candidate easily. This cut shorts the process for a recruiter of going through hundreds of applications and finding the right candidate for the role. Once the recruiter has found a suitable candidate, they can instantly chat with them in the app itself. If they like the candidate, they can qualify them for the further round of the interview or hire them directly. 

Many job-seeking platforms cater to internships, full-time jobs, or remote jobs. One could also find a job platform which offers a combination of these work opportunities, if not all. However, GoodSpace is a one-stop solution that tackles the exact same problem and helps candidates find suitable work for them. The platform offers a wide range of work to job seekers—internships, full-time jobs, remote jobs and freelance work. 

Other than having an extremely easy to use user interface, the charm of the GoodSpace application lies in the Goodness Score. This score helps the job seeker authenticate their profile and learn about their strengths and areas of weakness. On the other hand, a goodness score serves as a badge for recruiters to learn more about the candidate. Once a person creates their profile on the platform, they can ask their peers or connections to give them reviews. The score takes seven parameters into consideration—Teamwork, friendliness, helpfulness, honesty, reliability, truthfulness and kindness. After a person's peers and connections have given in their reviews, the app calculates the goodness score. It is then displayed on that person's profile. After looking at the score, the recruiter can assess the candidate for their behavioral skills and see if they can be the right fit for the organization. Usually, hard skills are what a recruiter looks at before calling the candidate for the next round of the hiring process. Behavioral skills are something that is difficult to measure and figure out for a candidate until they join the organization later. GoodSpace makes it possible to get this information right at the beginning of the hiring process and hire people efficiently. 

Hiring is a long and tiring process. Many organizations fail because of not having an efficient recruiting system in place and hiring the wrong people. GoodSpace provides recruiters with a new and efficient way of hiring. It also allows job seekers to apply for jobs easily, without any trouble. In today's ever-changing and fast-paced world, GoodSpace is what the hiring sphere needs. They have streamlined the entire hiring process and made it much simpler for recruiters and job seekers.

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