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How Fuel-Efficient Tires Can Save You Money

How Fuel-Efficient Tires Can Save You Money

When it comes to driving thrifty, you've likely already learned the tips and tricks to hypermiling, which include accelerating and cruising at low to moderate speeds, changing gears at the right time, and maintaining your tires. It's the combination of all of these factors that result in the best fuel economy for your car, and equipping your car with fuel-efficient tires is another method you can use to even further improve this. While they can be expensive, low-rolling-resistance or fuel-efficient tires can potentially save you money over the long run, especially if you know how they work.

How Do Rolling-resistance or Energy-saving Tires Work?

Rolling resistance is the force required for a car to get its tires moving from a standstill. Low-rolling-resistance tires are engineered to require less force than regular tires to begin moving. Additionally, these tires are developed to minimize the amount of tire flex that occurs between the tire and the tarmac, so less energy is wasted - this means stiffer sidewalls. In some fuel-efficient tires, lighter-weight materials are used to make them, which helps to reduce the amount of friction between the tire and the road surface.

Other differences between regular tires and energy-saving tires are unique tread patterns that allow more efficient rolling. In summary, tires designed to reduce fuel consumption are often lighter in weight, have more rigid sidewalls, and special tread patterns to make resistance to rotation less. The result is lower fuel consumption.

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