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How Can a Non-Tech Professional Move to Analytics by doing PGDM | GIBS B-School Bangalore

Pradeep Khadaria
How Can a Non-Tech Professional Move to Analytics by doing PGDM | GIBS B-School Bangalore

At the moment, the marketplace is undergoing a paradigm shift, with many people seeking jobs in analytics, namely in sectors such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science, and others. However, there is a widespread misconception that people with an IT or technical background can only succeed in an analytics profession. However, as the discipline advances, many sectors within analytics, such as business analytics, require more than simple technical proficiency.

Why Should You Consider a Career Transition into Analytics?

Numerous factors contribute to this, but you cannot ignore these five outstanding benefits:

  • Massive Career Opportunities
  • Business Opportunities Across Multiple Industries
  • Significant Decision-Making Power
  • Collaborating with Well-Known Organizations
  • Enabling Better Communication Skills

What are the responsibilities of analysts?

You're likely familiar with the work of analysts. Their role, in broad terms, is to utilize data to resolve business challenges. However, the field of analytics has advanced at a breakneck pace during the last several years. In general, analysts fall into two categories.

They are analysts who create and disseminate insights, primarily through spreadsheets and presentations. These individuals are often embedded within the organization and rely significantly on their domain expertise. Their tools are well-known and well-understood by corporate users, albeit they are relatively constrained in terms of scalability. The term “Business Analysts” refers to these individuals.

Another sort of analyst has access to a broader range of technological tools. They are able to automate data workflows and scale their operations.  They are called as “Data Analysts.” They relied a lot on the knowledge of people who worked for businesses when they were on technology teams.

Business analysts and data analysts both have the potential to add significant value to a business. Both are capable of applying commercial acumen to the creation of data products. The true distinction is in their approach to scaling their jobs.

How Can a Graduate Who Is Not a Techie Fit into Analytics Job Roles?

The job description may seem intimidating to a non-tech graduate, because analytics is a comparatively new subject of study for them. However, a student with a firm base in management can get into a business programme to get insights from data and make more informed decisions. They may also be able to use their knowledge of numbers to get the most important information from statistical data.

Which abilities do you require to succeed in the analyst role?

Non-tech individuals interested in a career in analytics should focus on the following expertise:

  • Documentation and training
  • Recognize process improvement in workflow management.
  • Develop an in-depth knowledge of research, analysis, and data management.
  • Acquaint yourself with software programmes and perhaps acquire technical skills.
  • Developing proficiency with Excel

How likely is it that you will succeed?

No matter how sophisticated technology and analytics become, organizations will always require human understanding to evaluate data and extract insights for decision-making. As a result, an increasing number of businesses are searching for specialists to assist them with deciphering data and making data-driven decisions that will propel their organization forward. If you're interested in data analytics, no matter what your background is, you're ready.

What is the best way to enter this field?

All you need to do is enroll in a PGDM programme with a concentration in analytics and jumpstart your career. Global Institute of Business Studies (GIBS) is a prestigious business school in Bangalore that provides a postgraduate diploma in business analytics. GIBS is well-known for its cutting-edge educational approaches and excellent placement rates across the world. Additionally, its educational system is capable of transforming students with non-technical backgrounds into competent business analysts. You can contact the GIBS hotline with any questions about the PGDM in business analyst programme.

Pradeep Khadaria
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