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International Student Life in Canada

International Student Life in Canada

Because of its cultural diversity, large international community, educational quality, and many other factors, Canada is the preferred destination for international students. Life as an international student is not always easy and is not without its difficulties.

Don't worry, those difficulties are part of the learning process! This guide will assist you in developing a positive image of yourself as an international student in Canada. It will not guide you on your journey, but it will assist you in preparing for your future life!

As of last year, Canada had more than 600,000 international students. It is one of the safest countries, with open arms to everyone.

Aside from that, the coveted post-graduation work permit allows students to gain Canadian work experience after finishing their degree. If the student wishes to do the same, it makes it easier to immigrate to Canada! So, here is a snapshot of life in Canada in terms of various factors:

1. Cost of Living in Canada

The cost of living can never be a fixed and consistent figure for anyone because it is determined by the lifestyle they desire in the country. For example, if a student chooses a private education, his or her cost of living is higher than if the student chooses Shared Accommodation / housing. As a result, each figure is an approximation based on the previous statistics.

If a student chooses on-campus housing in Canada, it will cost between CA$8,000 and CA$10,000 Canadian dollars. It is pricey, but it will save you a lot of money on travel. A shared apartment in the city, on the other hand, would cost between CA$500 and CA$700 Canadian Dollars.

The disadvantage is that you would be responsible for the daily cost of travel! Canada has very strict rules regarding student work permits. So, choose your lodging based on your budget and earnings.

The type of accommodation you choose as an international student will determine your quality of life because each has its own set of benefits and drawbacks.

The remainder of the monthly cost is determined by your lifestyle, including minute details such as how frequently you go out, shop, and party. The average cost of living, excluding housing, is around CA$600 to CA$800 Canadian Dollars.


2. Canadian Culture

Regardless of caste, creed, or colour, Canadian culture is very open and receptive. Because of their similar enthusiasm and welcoming spirit, Indians will connect with Canadian culture. It is an immigrant-friendly country, making it a melting pot of cultures. Everyone's contribution to society is valued by Canadians.

Canada's official policy is multiculturalism, which promotes all cultures equally. Puppet shows in Vancouver rival their Chinese counterparts, the Italian language is widely spoken in Montreal coffee shops, and exquisite South Asian restaurants line Yonge Street in Toronto. So, in Canada, you can find anything.

Through cultural folk art and practises, the indigenous population has a voice. So, everyone is free to practise their culture and even flaunt it if they so desire!

3. Education in Canada

Education in Canada is career-oriented and practical, and you will spend the majority of your time in lectures and labs. The practical aspects of your education are diverse – you could be shooting and editing videos or working as an assistant to a nurse if that is your course of study.

Canadian education provides you with an abundance of opportunities to hone your practical skills. There are regular workshops to help you in your career in addition to your lectures and labs. Every professor and lecturer has office hours where students can come to ask their professors and lecturers questions about assignments and classwork.

The Canadian educational system is regarded as one of the best in the world. There's more to campus life than all-day lectures!

4. Recreational Activities

If you enjoy being outside, there is no better place than Canada because Canadians do not like to sit inside. Canada is home to numerous natural wonders, such as Banff National Park and Lake Louise.

You can choose from a variety of activities such as swimming, cycling, skating, wrestling, and so on. International students' experiences become rich with unforgettable experiences.



As an international student in Canada, you will have the most rewarding experience because it has so much to offer in terms of education and cultural experience. Canadian culture is more than just a place; it is the people of Canada who make international students' experiences so enjoyable!

In the end, what else do we need from a place besides welcoming and accepting people who want to be a part of Canadian culture?

READ MORE - https://www.msmunify.com/blogs/international-student-life-in-canada/

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