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SCADA System Market Trends, Forecast and Competitive Analysis By 2027

SCADA System Market Trends, Forecast and Competitive Analysis By 2027

Growing SCADA integration in Industry 4.0 platform is projected to accelerate the growth of SCADA system market. SCADA systems serve an important role when it comes to gleaning real-time data that further aids in process optimisation. The same real-time data can potentially help with prediction of future events, as well as analysis of the historic events, which makes it an incredible tool across industries. These advantages thus warrant a hike in demand for SCADA systems from those that seek proper maintenance scheduling, and systematic production planning for effectively preventing the machine downtime. The rise of Industry 4.0 thus reflects a host of lucrative opportunities of revenue generation for SCADA system market players. In a recent upcoming study, Fairfield Market Research intends to assess and forecast how the growth of global SCADA system market will unfold over the next few years.

Demand for RTU Proliferates with an Expanding Application Base

Demand for remote terminal unit (RTU) component is expected to see a substantial surge in demand as it is being increasingly perceived as an effective tool for data collection, coding, and transfer in a transmittable format, and to the main system. The flexible, and versatile features of RTU component continue to drive its adoption in SCADA system market. Increasing demand for RTU component in communication area across onshore oil and gas environment, and freshwater reservoirs is further likely to uplift the market prospects in future. The development of intelligent remote terminal units (iRTUs) will largely complement the growth of market as iRTUs possess the ability to communicate among each other, collaborate in emergency cases, and tackle I/O correlations for faster prevention of the potential loss. Increasing applicability of RTUs in deep-sea explorations, and extractions will continue to contribute to SCADA system market to a large extent.

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Developed Western Regions Continue to be in the Bandwagon

High volume sales are likely to remain the strongest factor upholding the top position of North America in global SCADA system market, followed by Europe. The former will however maintain a dominating position on the back of a reliable, improved power management scenario across the region. Increasing technology investments that have been strengthening the area of automation in terms of research and upgradation is likely to significantly complement the growth of market here. The other favourable drivers include a supportive infrastructure for technology deployment in addition to the rising presence of some of the major players involved in SCADA distribution. European market on the other hand is slated for a significant boost on account of the investments flooding the smart grid projects, and the flourishing manufacturing sector. The supportive role of government will also remain critical here, says the report.

SCADA System Market: Competitive Landscape

A few of the major players steering competition in global SCADA system market that would be profiled in detail in the report, include Schneider Electric SE, Honeywell, General Electric, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Omron Corporation, Emerson Electric, and Rockwell Automation.

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