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Industrial Electric Ovens

Savage Engineered Equipment
Industrial Electric Ovens

In our day to day life we use several items which are made out of metal products which are powder coated for smooth and neat appearances. These items could be ranging from kitchen items to auto parts. Metals and chemicals as we all know require high temperatures to shape up and the devices used to do this job needs to be really good at withstanding high temperatures and be able to give a stable temperature as desired for a longor short time as desired. Based on the type of work to be handled, different ovens have been designed with difference in the construction, usage and handling of products. They can be broadly classified as Lab Ovens, Industrial batch ovens and conveyor ovens. All these ovens are designed to handle large number of items as once; hence they are used in industries where the purpose is mass production.

Types of Industrial ovens

No matter what the end purpose is the oven has to maintain a uniform temperature under controlled environment internally. Different types of industrial ovens are Truck in Ovens, Cabinet Ovens, Lab & Bench Ovens, and Powder coating ovens, custom ovens, electric heat treat oven and composite curing ovens.

Electric Heat treat oven

These type ovens are designed to undergo processes as per material guidelines. They often have to withstand and given high performance under 800 F to 1400F. There are companies who manufacture these ovens in standard sizes and also are ready to customize it. These ovens are carefully designed to avoid direct contact of interior and exterior metal surfaces, they will have UL listed controlling panel and comes with louvers which help in adjusting and directing process air.

Heat Treat Process

Heat treat process is carried out in Electric heat treat ovens. The five basic heat treat steps include, hardening, case hardening, annealing, normalizing and tempering, each process will react differently over metals. Normally the heating is the first stage followed by soaking and cooling.

Savage Engineered Equipment
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