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Laboratory Information Management System Market Share, Size Estimated to Observe Significant Growth

Laboratory Information Management System Market Share, Size Estimated to Observe Significant Growth

Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) Market for Cloud-Based Delivery Mode Segment to Grow at Highest CAGR during 2021–2028

According to our new market research study on “Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) Market to 2028 – Global Analysis and Forecast – by type, deployment, component, application, and end user,” the market is expected to reach US$ 2,402.48 million by 2028 from US$ 1,122.36 million in 2021. The market is estimated to grow with a CAGR of 11.5 % from 2021 to 2028. The report highlights trends prevailing in the market, and drivers and hindrances pertaining to the market growth.  

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Based on type, the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) market is segmented into standalone and integrated LIMS. The standalone segment held the largest share of the market in 2021, however the integrated segment is anticipated to register the highest CAGR in the market during the forecast period. 

Based on deployment, the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) market is segmented into web-based delivery mode, cloud-based delivery mode and on-premises delivery mode. In 2021, the web-based delivery mode segment is likely to hold the largest share of the market, however cloud-based delivery mode segment is expected to grow at the fastest rate during the coming years. Growth of web-based delivery mode segment is attributed to advantages offered such as high security, lower price, instant software updates, and unlimited storage capacity.

Based on component, the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) market is segmented into software and services. The software segment is likely to hold the largest share of the market in 2021, however the services segment is anticipated to register the highest CAGR in the market during the forecast period. Growth of software segment is attributed to improved efficiency coupled with more quick results and help in tracking data from various experiments.

Based on application, the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) market is segmented into sample management, workflow automation, logistics management, enterprise resource planning, privacy and security controls and other applications. The sample management segment is likely to hold the largest share of the market in 2021, also the same segment is anticipated to register the highest CAGR in the market during the forecast period.  

Based on End User, the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) market is segmented into hospitals & clinics, pharmaceutical companies, contract research organizations and others. The pharmaceutical companies segment is likely to hold the largest share of the market in 2021, however the contract research organizations segment is anticipated to register the highest CAGR in the market during the forecast period.

COVID-19 pandemic has become the most significant challenge across the world. Clinical laboratories are finding it difficult to cope with the rapid influx of COVID-19 testing samples, impacting their ability to provide accurate testing. Implementation of automated solutions like LIMS is expected to relieve this stress on clinical laboratories by promoting efficient testing of voluminous samples. Significant adoption of LIMS has been witnessed since the COVID-19 pandemic’s onset, enabling healthcare providers to concentrate on drug and vaccine development by smoothening data collection procedures. Prominent players in the laboratory information systems landscape are collaborating with public and private sector organizations to employ advanced technologies for implementing COVID-19 testing capabilities. For instance, LabWare Technologies has collaborated with the National Health Service to provide laboratory management software to healthcare settings across the United Kingdom. 

Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.; Abbott; Illumina, Inc.; LABWORKS; LabLynx, Inc.; LabVantage Solutions, Inc.; Accelerated Technology Laboratories, Inc.; LabSoft LIMS by Computing Solutions, Inc.; LabWare; and Autoscribe Informatics are among the leading companies operating in the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) market.

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