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Booking a Hotel? 7 Essential Things You Should Consider

Shahid Raza
Booking a Hotel? 7 Essential Things You Should Consider

When you travel to a new place and you need accommodation, it is not every hotel you see that you should lodge in. Your safety, comfort, and value for money matter a lot. Therefore, you must be careful in selecting the hotel you are booking. Below are some things to consider when booking a hotel, so as not to end up having regrets.


Location is one of the most important factors to consider when booking a hotel. The place you are visiting should play a key role in determining where you should book a hotel. For instance, if you are visiting the UK, it would be good to be specific as to where you are going in the UK, and book your hotel there. Assuming you are going for a business meeting in Scotland, it would not be wise to book a hotel in London simply because it is one of the best places to visit in the UK. The best location to book the hotel would be within Scotland, as that would make it easier for you to commute to your meeting.


You do not want to book a hotel that you cannot afford, as that would be very embarrassing. Consequently, one of the essential things to consider when booking a hotel is the price of the hotel. If the prices are too high or simply beyond your budget, kindly reconsider your choice and go for a different hotel. Most times, price is normally linked to the number of stars a hotel has and is a very good indication of the kind of quality and service you can expect – generally, the more stars the higher the price.  Keep your eye out for special offers and discounted packages and cost savings where breakfast is included, or an all-inclusive, half-board, or full-board offer.


When you travel to a new place, it is paramount to take your security and safety seriously. In the same vein, when booking a hotel, you should consider the security measures put in place by the management of the hotel. You wouldn’t want a hotel where people fight on a daily basis, or a hotel with little or no security personnel, as that would give free access to thieves and armed robbers to invade at night. Nevertheless, the best places to visit in the UK have good security measures put in place for your safety.

Consider the Services Offered: 

Sometimes choosing a hotel is not just about the money alone, but your comfort. So when choosing a hotel, do well to consider the services rendered and amenities available. If you are someone that likes swimming, you may want to check-in to see if they have a good and well-functioning swimming pool, which is up to your taste. Also, if you are someone that is always browsing and surfing the internet, you might want to confirm if the hotel has a standard Wi-Fi with no disruption. Even though the best places to visit in the UK offer good services, it is necessary to consider these things so as to have a nice time in the hotel.

Consider the Meal: 

Does the hotel offer food to guests? Is it the kind of food you can eat? If you are allergic to certain kinds of food, it would be good to enquire about the food they offer, so as not to create unnecessary problems for yourself. Also, make sure the food is good enough for you, so as not to end up starving yourself at the end.

Consider the Staff: 

How do the staff relate with guests? Are they humble and welcoming, or are they rude? Are they doing their job satisfactorily or are they always begging and waiting for tips? If you go to a hotel where the staff is always begging for tips from guests, you might do yourself a favor to consider checking out to a different hotel. Giving tips to hotel staff is not a bad idea. Matter of fact, it is quite encouraging. But tips should be given freely by the guests, on their own accord, and when they feel as to, not because they are asked to. A hotel staff who constantly asks or begs for tips may end up stealing a guest’s money if he has the chance. Therefore, consider the staff who work there.

Consider the Reviews: 

When choosing a hotel, do well to read the reviews online before making your decision. Reading reviews is a great way to learn more about a hotel, and get a feel for whether it’s for you or not. But don’t focus solely on the reviews and avoid looking at the hotel website altogether. Sometimes, hotels address issues that are pointed out in reviews, and this information should be available on the website. There’s also the chance that some reviews are biased, or simply written by people who have completely different expectations from what you would have.

Shahid Raza
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