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Custom Remodeling Experts

Nusrat Shuchi
Custom Remodeling Experts

Custom Remodeling Experts is your personal remodeling contractor, with more than 20 years of experience specializing in a wide range of home improvement services in Capitol Heights, MD.

This includes whole-home remodeling, kitchen remodeling, bathroom remodeling, basement remodeling, Window Replacement, Roofing Contractor,  sunroom and patio enclosure services.

Roofing Contractor Capitol Heights

Window Replacement

Kitchen Remodeling Capitol Heights

Bathroom Remodeling Capitol Heights

Basement Remodeling Capitol Heights

We’re a one-stop shop that can manage the building, installation, interior design, and exterior design of your home remodeling project.

We’re happy to collaborate with other members of your renovation team, in the case that you hire a third-party designer, architect, or engineer.

We’re licensed, insured, and can manage the acquisition of building permits.

Custom Remodeling Experts is a 5-star rated kitchen remodeling and renovations company in Capitol Heights, MD

Custom Remodeling Experts has over 25 years of trusted kitchen remodeling and kitchen renovations expertise in the Capitol Heights, MD area.

We know that the kitchen is the heart of your home, and we’re passionate about remodeling or renovating it to meet all of your expectations.

We can give you the dream kitchen that fits you and your family’s lifestyle— and all with the peace of mind in knowing your home is safe in our care.

We stand behind all of our completed projects and workmanship, and take pride in the manufacturer materials we use.

Nusrat Shuchi
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