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Glean Insights Into Using DevOps & .Net to Create a Banking Solution

Anvi Martin
Glean Insights Into Using DevOps & .Net to Create a Banking Solution

The banking sector is one of the most competitive industries in the world. To stay ahead of the curve, banks are always looking for ways to improve their services and offer new features to their customers. One way they have been able to do this is by implementing DevOps practices into their .NET development process.

DevOps is a set of practices aiming to automate and improve software development and delivery. DevOps can help banks release new features and updates faster and more efficiently by automating tasks such as testing, building, and deploying code. Additionally, DevOps can help reduce the number of errors and bugs in code, which can lead to better quality software.

If you're a bank considering DevOps for your .NET development, you should keep a few things in mind. First, DevOps is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Tailoring your DevOps implementation to fit your bank's specific needs is essential. Second, DevOps requires buy-in from both management and developers. DevOps will be challenging to implement without full support from both sides.

Finally, DevOps is not a silver bullet solution that will immediately fix all of your bank's software development problems. It's essential to view DevOps as an ongoing journey, not a destination. By continuously improving your processes and practices, you can make your bank's .NET development more efficient and effective over time.

DevOps Automation Tools That You Must Know 

1) Azure

Microsoft's most popular and current choice is a fully functional integrated DevOps system called Azure Pipelines. It fits right in with the existing project and provides a lot of possibilities for teams to utilize. Containerization can be implemented using Azure pipelines, for example.

This tool is a one-stop-shop for simplifying the job of .net developers. This program is a one-stop-shop for streamlining the development process of .NET experts. You may free target CI/CD targets using an Azure Repo or GitHub repository with the DevOps development service. In addition, the pricing varies depending on how many pipelines or user licenses you want.

Also Read: Why The Involvement Of DevOps In The Business Process Is Important?

2) Azure Pipelines

The traffic of each offer is handled by Azure Pipelines, which is the backbone of Azure DevOps. It's a large platform and language agnostic and orchestrates cloud providers, both AWS and Azure. The pipeline itself is hosted in the cloud, so there's no need to download or install anything.

Pipelines are a fantastic way to extend the capabilities of your present reporting and testing solution. They provide a lot of extensibility, allowing you to use an excellent built-in option for integrated reporting and testing. If you're just getting started with CI/CD in the cloud-hosted world, the documentation is straightforward, and the process assists you ultimately in completing tasks correctly.

3) Kudu

You may not need a sophisticated arrangement for every task. I hosted the application for quick projects where I needed to maintain continual integration with Azure web apps (formerly Azure Websites). I used the Kudu Service App build server, linked to my GitHub repository, to host the app. It's simple to send any application service you make from the deployment center menu straight into the Azure UI.

Kudu monitors your GitHub login, rewrites your code, and converts it to Azure whenever a change occurs. One of the most painful ways to set up a CI / CD quickly is when you need MS Build to compile your app and deploy your update service. Bonus Works for free – the only paid part is the cost of your Azure App service. It comes on the go and does not require a separate Azure DevOps subscription.


DevOps has become a popular approach to software development in recent years, thanks to its ability to help developers ship new features and updates faster and more efficiently. If you're a bank considering DevOps for your .NET development, you should keep a few things in mind. First, DevOps is not a one-size-fits-all solution. 

Tailoring your DevOps implementation to fit your bank's specific needs is essential. Second, DevOps requires buy-in from both management and DevOps developers. DevOps will be challenging to implement without full support from both sides.

Read the complete blog here: 

Anvi Martin
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