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Cisco License

Fatemeh Bakhshi
Cisco License

Cisco Company is one of the world’s leading technology companies. This pioneer company was founded in 1984 and has reached the frontiers of technological innovation since its establishment. This American company operates around the world today and is best known for its network equipment products. The Silicon Valley-based company is a global market leader in routing, switching, integrated communications, wireless communications and security.

CISCO SYSTEMS INC is a worldwide leader in Internet networks. The company was founded in 1984 by two computer scientists. The main reason the two Stanford scientists founded the company was that they wanted to find an easier way to connect different types of computer systems.

Cisco launched its first product system in 1986. The company now has more than 35,000 employees in more than 115 countries. Today, CISCO solutions are the foundation of a network for service providers, small and medium-sized customers and businesses.

Cisco Network Solutions connects computing equipment and computer networking equipment, allowing people to edit or transfer information, regardless of time, location, or type of computer system.


Cisco products


Multi-protocol routers have been used since Cisco launched it. These routers are found today in all home applications and enterprise networks. The first and most important activity of this company was to build routers and network routing. In particular, the company became famous for building routers that used multiple protocols for routing between networks.

Gradually, more advanced routers were designed for IP protocol on the Internet and computer networks to be more effective in developing network communication infrastructure. Over time, Cisco products expanded to include switches, firewalls, access points, VoIP phone systems, and other high-end equipment. These products led to CISCO’s popularity and fame on a global scale.

After the growing expansion of Cisco and the use of up-to-date technologies, it launched powerful Ethernet switches, the most powerful of which was the 6500 Ethernet switch. Then in 2004, ISR routers entered the market and became very popular among users. After that, the 1900, 2900 and 3900 routers of the ISR series of routers started operating. One of the features of these routers is support for IPsec and SSL tunnel, VPN AAA accounting, DMVPN tunnel and several simultaneous routing tables (VRF).

One of the most popular and widely used Cisco products are Cisco switches. This equipment is used in almost all companies and organizations around the world. The reason for the importance of this product is its high stability and strength, powerful and convenient message processing, software capabilities and Cisco proprietary operating system. These features can be used in 2960 and 3750 models and newer models.

Cisco products features

Using Cisco equipment provides special features to users and network administrators. We have generally listed some of these features in below

Fatemeh Bakhshi
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