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How to Find the Right Tattoo Artist

Furqan Ashiq

If you are looking forward to adding more to your look or persona, tattoos can be a good choice. Tattoos can be a way of reflecting your personality or interests to others. 

Despite the fact that many people get inked spontaneously, it’s not always something you can decide over a few minutes. It has to be carefully thought out if you truly want to ensure no errors or discontent. Especially, if this is your first time, it’s best to be extra careful.

Prepping for a Tattoo

Among all the important factors to consider, one of the most fundamental is finding a good and trustworthy tattoo artist. Yes, picking a tattoo artist is more important than you think. 

So, before you start looking for a cool design, look for some reputable tattoo artists in your area. It is recommended that you spend some time thinking about and learning about various aspects for this purpose. The reason for this is that with the help and guidance of a good tattoo artist, you’ll be able to achieve your desired end result.

The Right Tattoo Artist

There are two sides to finding the right tattoo artist. First, you need to determine what you want: the style, the placement, how much you're willing to pay, and just how far you're willing to travel. 

After which, you’ll need to consider who you'd like to do it with – someone whose work you're extremely confident in.

There are numerous factors to consider on both sides, so where do you begin? With so many styles and talented artists available, it's difficult to know where to start in the search for the right artist for you.

After all, you're going to be sitting with your chosen tattoo artist one-on-one for an extremely long time and chances are you'll talk about everything from your favourite snack to your lifelong dreams. So, yes, who and what you choose is an important decision that should not be taken lightly.

Tips on Choosing the Right Tattoo Artist for You

To help you with this somewhat challenging decision, here are some of our tips that shed a little light on where to begin and take your search: 

Know your style

There are many different kinds of tattoo styles out there. Tattoo styles include traditional, neotraditional, blackwork, realism, watercolour, fine line, and others. The list continues, and knowing what you're looking for is a good place to start.

The artist will differ depending on the type of tattoo or experience you seek. A walk-in shop may be the best option if you want to pick a design from a book and have something done right away. However, if you want a more creative and unique design, it's worth doing a little more research into what you want and who you want to do it.

If you want a custom piece, you’ll need to fully trust the artist’s style. After all, you’re approaching them for a piece of their own unique work, so you don’t want to ask for something completely different to that, or go through multiple rounds of design changes with them (they won’t want that either).

Do your research

Begin your search on Instagram, the one and only social media platform dedicated to tattooing! Indeed, tattoo artists nowadays tend to use Instagram as their portfolio because it's the simplest and quickest way to showcase their work and what they're capable of.

You'll quickly get a sense of an artist's style from their social media pages and know if that's what you're looking for. 

Once you've decided on a style, you can search for artists using specific hashtags. For example, for more traditional styles, search #traditionaltattoos and #traditionalartists. Additionally, you can search for #neotraditionaltattoo for more current, bolder style tattooing trends. 

There are also some great Instagram accounts to follow that aren't dedicated to a specific artist. Some are style-specific, while others are more general, but they are all excellent sources of artists and inspiration.

Don't forget to conduct your research on Google as well. Investigate through online reviews to see what others have said about an artist's work. You'll be interested in finding out more about their hygiene as well as their talent.

Word of Mouth

Another effective marketing tool is word of mouth. Ask your friends (who are familiar with the industry) if they can recommend anyone, particularly someone who specialises in the style of tattoo you want. 

When looking for an artist, consider what is important to you and what others have to say about that person. What matters to you can range from the artist's skill level to their patience. If this is your first tattoo, you may prefer someone who will put you at ease.

Many people appreciate it when tattoo artists recommend other tattoo artists. It's extremely beneficial, and knowing they're respected by other artists tends to give you confidence.

Get in touch

Contact the artist once you've found one that you like. Most will state on their Instagram page how they prefer to be contacted (which is usually via email). If they have a website you can look at, check to see if there’s any information on their preferred methods of contact there. 

Moreover, don't be afraid to speak with a couple of tattoo artists. Email them with as much information as possible, but avoid starting with "How much will XYZ cost?" as asking about the price right away can put artists off.

Begin by explaining what you want in as much detail as possible. Discuss the size, style, and placement of the tattoo on your body. When the artist responds, you'll get a good sense of whether they'll be a good fit for you. They'll either love your idea and expand on it, or they'll be completely honest and say it's not their thing.

There's also the good old-fashioned face-to-face method. If they're nearby, stop by and say hello. A first-time tattoo customer is understandably more nervous than a seasoned collector, so meeting an artist can put both of you – and them – at ease about what you want.

Take your time

Finally, take your time. Enjoy the process of finding the right tattoo artist, and be certain that you are completely satisfied with whoever you choose.

Keep in mind that many top tattoo artists will be booked for several months in advance or may not be accepting new work at the time you inquire.

Your secret weapon for your next tattoo appointment is their Signature Tattoo Numbing Cream. It's simple to use, has no effects on the tattoo quality, and tattoo artists absolutely love it.

A quality tattoo – and the right tattooist – is always worth the wait!

Furqan Ashiq
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