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You can keep 3 different species of aquarium snails || Aqua Products BD

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You can keep 3 different species of aquarium snails || Aqua Products BD

aquarium snails lifespan Everyone adores animals. Let's discuss several snails found in aquariums.

In addition to being adorable, freshwater aquarium snails have a wide range of colors and patterns that will make your tank more interesting to look at (not to mention all their other cool potential benefits). The top freshwater aquarium snails are listed below for your convenience:

-Scarlet Badis (Badis ruber)

- The Blood Snail (Haplotrema concavum)

-Bivalve mollusk with a gold incrustation (Lithophaga margaritae)

Scrolling down will allow you to read our list. Please be aware that although all of the listed snails are freshwater snails, other species may be more suitable for your environment and they are frequently sold in saltwater aquariums. best aquarium snails

1. The Harlequin Badis 

One of the most well-liked freshwater aquarium snails is this freshwater snail. This is because of its stunning red and black coloring and extraordinary capacity to scale vertical objects like rocks, branches of driftwood, and other tank decorations. This snail will blend in well with some minimal rockwork or even decoration coated in algae in a saltwater tank. This snail will consume any loose algae that develop in your tank and works well as an algae scrubber. The average mature length of this snail is about 2 cm, making it another petite species. Although they are calm creatures, keep an eye out for any small fish that might fit in their mouths (this is the only major concern of this snail).

2. The Blood Snail 

The white body of the blood snail is covered in red blotches, and on occasion, black spots as well. Unfortunately, because it mimics blood, which may be quite repulsive to some people, this snail's hue is not one that may enhance the beauty of your tank. Having said that, this snail truly makes a lovely addition to your aquarium. It doesn't climb like a harlequin badi, but instead spends its time-consuming food that sinks from above and investigates the bottom of your tank. It is also a scavenger and will consume nearly any fish waste or food that you do not consume yourself. If your aquarium has enough light for algae to grow, it will also eat that algae.

3. The Incrassate Bivalve Mollusk 

This snail may grow up to about 3 cm long and has a lovely conical form but not a lot of color diversity. In your tank, this snail will primarily eat plants. It will spend the majority of its time in the plants, creeping around and eating any algae that develop in your tank. In addition, this snail moves a little more slowly and is considerably less active than the others on this list. The majority of the time, it just sits on plants, though it will crawl around your tank and has been known to climb items like leaves.

As you can see, having freshwater aquarium snails in your tank is a lot of fun! It's harder than you might imagine deciding which snail to choose because each of them stands out from the others in their own special ways. Try trying a few different types to find the one that works best for you.

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