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Paisley Pattern

Paisley Pattern

Graphic with a seamless repeating pattern of florals and leaves inspired by the Paisley art movement.

In the early 2000s, Paisley made a brief comeback on tops and accessories. Currently, the bandana print is one of the top trends for summer, and searches for the print have grown by 121 percent, according to Stylight. Here's how to wear this trend.

Paisley pattern is a fashion staple worn by everyone from The Beatles, Queen, David Bowie, and Victoria Beckham.

The latest Paisley & Florals pattern designs for apparel, textiles, and home furnishings are found here for your fashion, textile, and home furnishings needs.

Find the latest trendy print and patterns on pixemix, an online marketplace for premium designs crafted by only the best designers.

Pattern images are readily available on Pixemix and many more will be added frequently so you can be sure to find high-quality design templates of Pattern for your personal or commercial projects.

Recommended Usage

T-shirts, shirts, tops, scarfs, home furnishings, face mask, flip flops, lamps, coasters, bags, totes, diary covers, notebooks, mugs, tapestry, dress, fusion wear, footwear, posters, wallpapers, laptop sleeves, mobile covers and more

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