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Go For The Best Agriculture College In Dehradun


For those who want to learn the fundamentals of agriculture, a diploma in horticulture and forestry is an excellent option.

In addition to learning about agricultural management, natural resources, soil conditions, livestock production, and agribusiness management, choose Tula’s institute which is the best agriculture college in Dehradun.

You will learn about the workings of agricultural machinery like cropping machinery, harvesters, etc. Developing highly skilled professionals in the agriculture sector is essential to support, diversify and recognize the potential of the sector.

Because of this, the Diploma in Agro aims to give students the knowledge and technical skills they need to meet the current hurdles of the agribusiness industry and contribute to growth on a local as well as national level.

Course aims

Tula’s institute which is a top agriculture college in Dehradun imparts advanced knowledge about agriculture to increase the farmers' income, reduce the losses they suffer, and make production protection techniques.

Aiming to obtain a license to start a fertilizer company is the primary goal of this B.sc course. Additionally, the course covers a wide range of topics in the fields of science and technology such as botany, animal husbandry, and meteorology.

Educational objectives

·      Instilling in future generations the desire and ability to make a positive impact on rural life and agriculture

·      To provide students with a better understanding of contemporary & market-oriented farming practices

·      To help students better understand the techniques, skills, & modern tools needed to implement the best agricultural practices

·      To improve the students' ability to advocate on behalf of farmers and agri-reform initiatives

·      To train students to collaborate with researchers and industry to increase agricultural yields and profits

Specific objectives

·      To introduce students to the fundamentals of design and the development of layout vocabulary, foster design thinking, & inspire them to use the same thinking processes in the evolution of their designs.

·      Students will learn how to conceptualize and form alliances to carry out design implementation.

·      To improve the creative abilities of aspiring architects through the implementation of imaginative exercises

·      To help students become more aware of their surroundings as well as encourage it as a fundamental creative instinct in them

Career options

Because agriculture is the most self-sufficient, financially rewarding, and materializing part of an economy, job opportunities in the field are always expanding. After graduating with a diploma, students have a wide range of career options:

·      Farm manager

·      Field officer

·      Agriculture officer

·      Research officer

·      Business development manager

·      Agriculture loan officer

·      Officer in the quality assurance, etc. 

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