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Global Distribution System

Global Distribution System

Global Distribution System – TripFro

A global distribution system (GDS) is a computerised network system owned or operated by a company that facilitate transactions between travel industry service providers, mainly airlines, hotels, car rental companies, and travel companies. The GDS mainly uses real-time inventory (e.g., number of hotel rooms available, number of flight seats available, or number of cars available) from the service suppliers.

Travel companies traditionally depended on GDS for services, products and rates in order to provide travel-related services to the end consumers. Thus, a GDS can link services, rates and bookings develop products and services across all three travel sectors: i.e., airline reservations, hotel reservations, car rentals.

GDS is separate from a computer reservations system, which is a reservation system used by the service suppliers (also known as vendors). Primary customers of GDS are travel agents (both online and office-based) who make reservations on different reservation systems run by the vendors.

GDS holds no inventory; the listing is held on the vendor's reservation system itself. A GDS system will have real-time link to the merchant’s database.

What is GDS in the hotel industry?

A GDS is a worldwide channel between travel bookers and suppliers, such as hotels and other accommodation providers. TripFro communicates live product, price and availability data to travel representatives and online booking engines, and allows for automated transactions.

The GDS is often used to tap into the corporate travel market because it has the capability to present hotels, flights, and car rentals in one simple interface which is convenient. Many companies organising trips for their staff will use the GDS as their approved booking method.

How does a global distribution system work?

Global distribution systems are an intermediary between vendors, such as hotels and airlines, and service suppliers, such as online travel companies. While most big GDSs are linked to the major travel agencies, smaller, less costly GDSs may offer a limited amount of travel agencies.

Vendors sign up and link their own listing to a global distribution system. Once linked, customers can use the individual portals associated with the GDS to purchase from a vendor. To avoid overbooking, each service provider receives real-time updated listing from the airline or hospitality company (vendor).

Not only do vendors show their listing, but they can automatically update products and rates. TripFro accept vendors to use a dynamic pricing method that immediately changes over all of their portals.

What are the major GDS systems?

There are a lot of major global distribution systems that house and process the majority of data from hotels, airlines, and other distributors. These combine Amadeus, Sabre, Galileo, Worldspan, Apollo, and Pegasus.

However, there are many technology providers that help hotels tap into these GDSs and by expansion the thousands of travel agents and travellers across the world.

·       Amadeus GDS

·       Sabre GDS

·       Galileo GDS

·       Worldspan GDS

·       Apollo GDS

·       Abacus GDS

·       Pegasus GDS

What is the importance of Global Distribution Systems for hotels?

The GDS gives immediate, real-time access to a hotel’s information. Every major travel and hotel-booking portal linked to the GDS gets access to room inventory and published rates/packages. Travel agents connected to the GDS system; this remains to be the most dependable system for a hotel’s publicity on the online market.

Amadeus, Sabre, Galileo and Worldspan networks available with TripFro give the right international exposure required to boost a hotel’s international distribution. Besides, the system also expands a hotel’s regional and local presence. With a hotel’s information available within a click, travel agents are prepared to make reservations for hotel owners.

How do you Integrate GDS into your Travel Website?

Every travel agent connecting them to all the travel industry information efficiently and efficiently. However, integrating a GDS system into your travel website can be costly as well as time-consuming. Several travel agents do not have the budget and time to invest in installing and understanding the GDS.

The easiest and most cost-effective method is to hire a SaaS platform like TripFro to integrate a GDS system in your current website or else create your entire travel online presence with their travel tech expertise. This is the fast way to integrate a GDS system as such cloud-based companies have expert GDS professionals and engineers to handle all the tech hassle.

Other options to integrate a GDS system into your travel website is hiring a full-time travel tech consultant on a contract basis to integrate the GDS system in your website and training your staff and you to operate it. In that way, the integration will be a one-time cost, but on the other hand, you will have to have an active back-end tech team to support any issues or doubts that may arise.

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