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Education Management Software

Education Management Software

Zoho's Education Management Software is specifically designed to systematically control the various parts of an institution that make your work easier by automating your tasks involved with day-to-day administration. Zoho Creator's education ERP system is a go-to software for education management and has everything you need to completely run an educational institution, from preschool all the way up to university by managing its students, staff, etc. With Zoho Creator, you can build tailor-made education software on your own from admissions to accounting, and take care of everything with cloud-based applications. Build Education apps with minimal coding and customize the app as per your requirements.

Personalized Portals in Custom Education ERP Platform

  • Admin Portal
  • Faculty Portal
  • Student Portal
  • Parent Portal

Admission Management :

With Education Management Software, you can Collect and organize admission-related data and documents in the cloud. Also, monitor student and staff intake by department, or automate administrative tasks like generating ID numbers, segmenting classes, and a lot more.

Planning The Course  :

You can plan the courses and generate customized timetables for staff, students, and department heads. The online forms are used to collect course and faculty preferences, map daily slots with courses, and assign faculty based on their availability.

Attendance Management :

Ditch the bulky attendance registers and switch to online attendance management in the education app. Configure the education app to send messages to absent students and their parents and update the parents on everything about the students.

Exams and Evaluation :

The online forms are created easily to enter and update grades for tests and assignments. The detailed reports are generated to compare and analyze performance over assessment periods and alter teaching methods accordingly.

Manage Events :

From symposiums to festivals, make every event a success by planning activities, gathering volunteers, and sending invites. Monitor registrations and schedule reminders to be delivered to participants of the events.

Collaborative Communication :

With education management software, send email and SMS alerts to students and parents about academics, extracurricular events, emergencies, delays, and cancellations.

Manage Accounting :

The education app helps to manage your transactions online, by integrating your application with your existing payment gateway. The transactions like fee collection and salary payment are done with the education management app.

Benefits of Custom Education ERP Platform

  1. Manage Accounts
  2. Govern Fee Payment
  3. Manage Courses
  4. Handle Attendance
  5. Track Assignments
  6. Handle Events
  7. Send Newsletters/Reports
  8. Conduct Admissions
  9. Organize Libraries
  10. Store Student Details
  11. Notify via SMS/Email
  12. Save Staff Details

Looking to hire a Zoho Developer for your model school? GooHepto is the best Zoho development company to provide you with the best Zoho developers at a competitive rate.

GooHepto is the one-stop solution for your Zoho development services from Zoho Consulting to Support, from Zoho integrations to migration and much more. As Zoho authorized partners, GooHepto has the best Zoho Development team working on Zoho implementation, development, and integrations projects of various complexities and a reliable infrastructure for different sectors that helps you build your applications quickly that match your requirements.

Visit us@ https://www.goohepto.com 

Email us@ [email protected]

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