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How To Relieve Back Pain From The Work From Home Posture

Marshall Thurlow
How To Relieve Back Pain From The Work From Home Posture

The lockdowns and stay at home orders have led to more awareness of the effects of the last few years on mental and physical health. In relation, have you thought about the impact of working from home on your posture?

There are many reasons why people experience back pain. Long periods of sitting and poor posture are two examples. This article will discuss back pain and offer some suggestions on how to improve your posture. Read on to find out more!

Is the 'work from home' posture real?

Yes, according to many healthcare practitioners. They've witnessed an increase in patients with lower back and neck pain, which they feel is a result of sitting for long periods of time while working from home.

According to Dr. Rosemarie Jabbour (Chiropractor) from New World Chiro, “Chiropractic helps in many cases of lower back pain. Low back pain may be caused by a variety of problems with any of the complex connections associated with your spine, muscles, nerves, bones, discs or tendons.”

“Unfortunately working from home has now created a chronic problem with lower back, neck and disc injuries. More patients are presenting health challenges, which need to be addressed,” said Dr Rosemarie.

Working from home was one of the reasons why more Australians experienced back pain. According to the Australian Chiropractors Association, as the workforce changes to remote work arrangements, nearly one-third of Australians may require permanent work from home stations.

What causes back pain?

Standing or sitting in a specific position for an extended period of time may cause discomfort or pain. Poor posture can also put strain on the joints. If you spend a lot of time sitting in front of a computer and looking down at your phone or laptop, you may have increased localised muscular tension or strain.

This is where the phrase "work from home" comes from. Other causes of back pain may include nerve irritation, disc problems, improper lifting technique, sports injuries, and a slouchy posture.

Should I set up a workstation at home?

You may be wondering how your workplace influences your posture. You can sit in a chair with plenty of padding for your buttocks and back support.

A footrest may help you feel more at ease and lessen some of the tension on your back. A footrest is very beneficial since it allows you to maintain a nice and comfortable position for your knees.

Other workstation enhancement suggestions include raising your computer monitor to eye level so you don't have to look down all the time and using a mouse with a wrist pad to alleviate wrist, arm, and shoulder pain.

It is beneficial to concentrate on having your ergonomics set up correctly the first time. A laptop or screen riser may be a worthwhile investment because it allows you to raise your screen, reducing forward head position while allowing you to stand or sit as desired.

Wrapping up

While there are numerous home remedies for lower back pain, it is important to identify the root of your pain and discomfort.

Staying active during the day is necessary for our overall health in many ways. Equally important is having a nice ergonomic home office to assist you maintain proper posture throughout the day. 

You may want to avoid slouching while working from home. You are welcome to try these suggestions. However, if your back pain persists, you may choose to see your doctor or healthcare practitioner.

Marshall Thurlow
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