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Tamica Goree on How to Be a Successful Basketball Player

 Tamica Goree

Tamica Goree is an American Basketball player and Coach who started playing basketball at the age of 6 years old. Since then, Tamica Goree has risen to prominence as one of the best women’s basketball players. Her dedication and hard work have also led her to become one of the best coaches in the United States of America. She knows that many other young players want to follow in her footsteps, with all of her hard work and dedication, Tamica Goree became one of the most successful basketball players, Tamica explains exactly how she achieved such great success in the world of basketball, including her journey. If you want to be an excellent basketball player, it’s important to work hard, but it’s also important to know what you should be working on and why. Today Tamica shares her knowledge on how to be successful in basketball To be a Pro Athlete, you need Discipline Tamica Goree used these steps to be a successful basketball player. These steps include staying focused, getting experience playing basketball, working hard, and learning how to train your body. The discipline is what made Tamica Goree become one of America’s most well-known basketball players. To be successful at anything you do in life, including sports, you need commitment and discipline. Being committed means being dedicated and determined. Discipline is having self-control over your behavior; for example not smoking or not skipping school just because it’s more fun than going there. These qualities are important for athletes because they will help them stay focused on their game and keep practicing no matter how tired they feel after running drills or doing sprints. Surround Yourself with Winners A good mentor will give you advice and will help guide you in many areas of your life. However, having a bunch of good friends around you can be just as beneficial. The people around us influence us, so we need to surround ourselves with people who want us to succeed. Even better if they have achieved success themselves! Regardless of their area of expertise, having other successful people around you will provide inspiration and motivation for personal growth and achievement. After all, who better to learn from than someone who has been there? That being said, when choosing whom to include in your circle of friends and mentors, it is crucial that you only allow positive influences into your life. Surround yourself with winners, not negative people or those without goals or ambitions; remember: You are what you eat. – Frank McKinney Kin Hubbard

 Tamica Goree
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