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Your Guide to Liberal Arts Courses and Colleges in India

O.P. Jindal Global University
Your Guide to Liberal Arts Courses and Colleges in India

Liberal Arts is India's most traditional academic qualification course covering various arts and humanities. The course curriculum covers philosophy, fine arts, literature, business studies, economics, political science, psychology, sociology, etc.

The main aim of this course is to expose its aspirants to a wide range of arts, humanities and social science subjects. It is designed very efficiently to provide the study of multiple topics in this field.

An Overview of Liberal Arts Courses

The liberal arts courses are offered by several top universities and educational institutions across different parts of India. In addition, students can choose from a wide range of specialisation courses at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Some liberal arts courses at various levels include Bachelor's degrees in political science, history, journalism, sociology, creative writing, philosophy, literature, music, etc. On the other hand, a master's degree includes English literature & linguistics, French literature and language, journalism and mass communication, etc.

Moreover, students get the freedom to choose among the major and minor subjects included in the academic curriculum of the course. Major courses constitute the study of a specific field, whereas minor courses are designed to provide students with knowledge of multiple topics.

The course allows the interested students to choose among the optional subjects according to the student's interests and understandings. By pursuing this course, students can enhance several skills and abilities to emerge as expert professionals in the field.

In addition, students can generate great thoughts and ideas and think critically after graduating from this course. The course help students to know and understand their social responsibility and provide a strong base for those who want to build their career in this field.

Lastly, the liberal arts aspirants can utilise their knowledge acquired from the course for the future scope to pursue higher studies or take up several career opportunities.

Admission and Eligibility Criteria for Liberal Arts Courses

Several liberal arts colleges in India offer a wide range of UG and PG programs in different disciplines to interested students. Students who wish to study the liberal arts subjects in detail can choose to pursue diverse academic disciplines in this field by registering online for the desired program. Students can enrol for the course by filling out the online application form available on the websites of different top liberal arts colleges in India.

After completing their intermediate (10+2) with a minimum aggregate percentage from a recognised board, students can easily pursue this course at Bachelor's level. Moreover, after completing their undergraduate degree from any prominent and well-known university or college, the students can easily pursue the course at the master's level.

Selection Criteria for Admission

The students are selected based on their marks and performance in the previous qualification. Several liberal arts colleges in India conduct entrance tests at state and national levels annually. Some top entrance examinations at different levels include SNUEE, AAT, KIC, the Symbiosis Entrance Test or SET, etc. This entrance examination helps the aspirants to secure their seats in the college of their choice.

Admissions are made based on the student's performance in the entrance examination and on the merit lists generated by different colleges every year. Students are also examined further to analyse their skills, abilities, and field knowledge to determine whether they are eligible for the course. In addition, various personal interview sessions, group discussions, and quizzes are held to analyse the student's capabilities and strengths. The selection procedure might vary in every institute, but the eligibility criteria are almost similar in every university.


Liberal arts courses are the most traditional and famous courses in India. The program helps students enhance their knowledge and understanding of the field in depth, which will help them in their future career prospects. The course provides a broad scope to the students and gives them the chance to choose among various career prospects with a well-paid job profile in different fields of liberal arts.

O.P. Jindal Global University
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