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The Brief Timeline of the Evolution of Video Games

The Brief Timeline of the Evolution of Video Games

The gaming industry has evolved exponentially in the last two decades. So much so that today it is one of the fastest growing industries in the world and will be worth 222 billion by the end of the year 2022. There was a time when a console was enough, but today, you will need an Inno3D 3060 graphic card to play your favourite games on it. Various emerging technologies of different eras have made the gaming industry what it is today.

Through this blog, we will take a look at the timeline of the evolution of video games. 

Evolution of Video Games

If you have a powerful gaming PC with an Inno3D RTX 3060 Ti Twin X2 OC graphic card, then you can understand the importance of good graphics and details in a video game. Let’s look at the timeline of video games:

  • The 70s: The beginning of gaming and the era in which arcade games were introduced. Atari’s Pong and the computer game The Oregon Trail, and the arcade game Space Invaders were a hit.


  • The 80s: The 80s was the time when the video game market boomed with games like Pac-Man and Donkey Kong. Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) was also introduced in 1985 and introduced Legend of Zelda in 1987. 

  • The 90s: Microsoft added Solitaire in Windows version 3.0. This event introduced video games to a million people. Saga’s Sonic the hedgehog ruled till the mid-90s, and then, Sony introduced PlayStation. The violence in video games was introduced in this decade in the form of Mortal Kombat. 

  • The 00s: EA introduced The Sims. Microsoft entered the market with Xbox in 2005. Games like Rock Band and World of Warcraft get the attention of people. Farmville and Angry Birds were introduced to the world. 

  • The 10s: The popularity of video games grew exponentially. Sandbox RPG games like Minecraft and Pokémon Go which introduced AR in gaming raised the bars of the gaming industry. Games like Fortnite and PUBG introduced multiplayer gaming to the world.



With a graphics card like Inno3D RTX 3060 Ti Twin X2 OC, one can play amazing games on its PC. To take the gaming era to the next level we provide height quality gaming components at ModX Computers.

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