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10 Tips For Staying Awake While Driving

10 Tips For Staying Awake While Driving

The sun won't be up for a few more hours, but excitement hangs in the air as you pack your vacation luggage into the car. You'll hit the road long before sunrise and be at least halfway to your holiday destination before it gets light. There's no better way to make a long drive feel shorter, and it also means less risk of traffic, accidents, or getting bored, right?

Not always.

No matter how cautious a driver you are, long road trips are physically and mentally exhausting. And while the above scenario is a good way to avoid heavy traffic and other hold-ups, it's not risk-free. In fact, tackling a road trip in such early morning hours can be even more dangerous, in many ways. Drowsy driving is a leading cause of car accidents, with thousands losing their lives annually because someone fell asleep behind the wheel. To help you get to your destination safely, we've compiled some of the best tricks for staying awake while driving and some useful facts you need to know.

Drowsy Driving Facts

If your plan of action is to get a head start on your road trip in the early morning hours to avoid traffic and arrive earlier, you should know that your sleep/wake cycle will be out of sync. This means that you may feel initially alert, but as you settle down, your body will want to return to it's habit of being asleep while it's dark. So, not only will you be driving in low-visibility conditions on less sleep than you're used to, but you're likely to feel sleepy quicker than you'd imagine.

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