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11 Stages to the Fine Crafting of a Hand-Knotted Silk Rug

Kalra's Cottage Industry
11 Stages to the Fine Crafting of a Hand-Knotted Silk Rug

What do you get when you combine exquisite quality with remarkable craftsmanship? Our hand-knotted silk rugs are lovingly created by artisans in Agra, each one a unique work of art. At Kalra’s Cottage Industry, we value traditional techniques of rug making, and each rug reflects a commitment to the art of rug production. Designed with precision using skills passed down through the generations hand-knotted silk rug making has been a highly valued art form in Agra. Modern-day handmade rugs showroom in Agra and local artisans still follow this heritage of rug making to produce exquisite carpets.

The most labor-intensive method for making a rug is hand-knotting. Up to four weavers can work on a rug at once, and it takes roughly four to five months to complete one hand-knotted rug. Quality is prioritized throughout production to produce heirloom carpets that can endure a lifetime. So, let’s explore the fabulous journey of a silk hand-knotted rug from threads to the finished product.

Why silk rugs?

Silk is a luxurious fibre. Although silk is perceived as a delicate material, it is actually a very robust and lovely fibre. Silk has high tensile strength and special features that make it notable for a variety of other things in addition to its use in creating gorgeous textiles and garments. 

The Crafting Process of the Hand-Knotted Silk Rug

1. From fibres to yarn

2. Hand dyeing

3. Sun drying

4. Balling dyed yarns

5. Design mapping

6. Weaving on the loom

7. Hand carving the rug

8. Washing and cleaning

9. Drying and stretching

10. Shearing and clipping

11. Binding the edges

The text above is a summary, Continue reading to know more visit here.

Kalra's Cottage Industry
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