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How to pursue a career in digital marketing with no experience

Erik Stone
How to pursue a career in digital marketing with no experience

Pursuing a career in digital marketing with no experience can be both intimidating and exciting; however, it doesn’t have to be! By following these tips on how to pursue digital marketing with no experience, you can learn the skills necessary to work as a digital marketer and develop yourself as an expert in the field. Check out this guide to help you master digital marketing today!

Look at all your options

1. Think about your strengths and weaknesses. What are you good at? What do you struggle with? These will be key factors in deciding on what type of role is right for you. 2. Consider the industry that interests you most, then start researching companies within that industry to see if any of them offer internships or entry-level positions. If not, think about how your skills might transfer over and try searching again for positions that match those skills.

For example, if you're strong in customer service but want to work in advertising, look for roles where problem solving and people skills are important. Once you've found an opportunity that matches your background or desired position, reach out to the hiring manager and ask for feedback. Explain why their company is an ideal place for someone with your skill set and how it aligns with what you want out of a career path. You'll likely hear back soon after following these steps!

Understand what kind of work you want to do

You should first decide what type of work you want to do, either on the client side or on the agency side. Both have different requirements and responsibilities. If you plan on working for an agency, you'll need to have some experience because agencies typically hire people that already have some knowledge about digital marketing. On the other hand, if you plan on being employed by a company as their own in-house marketing person, then you can enter this field with little to no experience at all. The most important thing is understanding what kind of work you would like to do before choosing your path.

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Network, network, network!

Networking is the number one way to find job opportunities. But don't just talk about your skills and what you want, ask questions! You'll learn more about the company and how they work, and they'll learn more about you. Plus, people are much more likely to hire someone when they feel like they have a connection with them. One of my favorite ways to network is at conferences: meeting new people and learning from other experts has been invaluable for me as I've grown my own business. There are so many amazing events out there that it's easy to be overwhelmed. So here's my advice: do some research and go after something that sounds interesting, whether it's in your industry or not. And if there isn't anything going on that peaks your interest? Take initiative and plan an event yourself! I'm currently planning a panel discussion around finding success on social media--which doesn't take any money or experience--to launch at an upcoming event. It will be free for anyone who wants to attend (which also means I get to meet some awesome people!) No matter where you start or how you get there, there is always room for growth if you're willing to put in the time.

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Volunteer and do free projects

In order to build your portfolio, you'll want to volunteer and do as many free projects as you can. You don't have anything if you don't have any work on your resume. Don't be discouraged by the thought of not being paid for what you're doing. That's just how it is at the beginning when you're trying to learn the ropes of this business. Once you get better and become more experienced, then you will be able to charge more for your services. A good way to start getting work is to find someone that wants some help and see if they are willing to pay. After getting some solid experience under your belt, you should look into starting an agency or consulting company where people hire you because of your expertise.

Learn how to make converting graphics

Another great way to use your skills is by creating graphics. A lot of the time you can find these types of jobs on sites like Fiverr, but if you want to get more serious about it, then you should consider investing in some software. Some of the most popular programs are Adobe Photoshop, Gimp and Sketchbook Pro. Each program has its own strengths and weaknesses. For example, Photoshop is considered the industry standard for professional design work because it's extremely powerful and robust, but it also costs over $600. Sketchbook Pro is similar to Photoshop but only costs $100. It's less complex than Photoshop so that may be an option for someone who doesn't want a full-fledged design program on their computer or laptop.

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Consider doing it part time or as a freelancer

For those looking to start a career in digital marketing, it can be difficult deciding where and how to start. The good news is there are many ways you can begin your journey by either starting part time or freelancing. Getting your feet wet will help you decide what type of full-time job you want and also give you some skills that might come in handy down the line.

Learn How You Can Use Digital Marketing To Grow Your Sales Quickly

Erik Stone
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